sábado, 23 de novembro de 2019

Anjo do dia 23/11- Omael-

 Brings peace, comfort and hope. Those born under his influence are usually impartial, learned, cultured, hospitable, compassionate, generous and nature-loving. 

  • Opposite side: cruelty and coldness. Your opposite side will have to be accompanied with great energy, courage and extreme spirituality because if it does not happen in adulthood it will bring great problems.
  • Corresponding planet is sun.  
  • Your angel's visit time from  9:40   to  09:59 .
  • Psalm: 70  
  • Lucky Number 0 1  
  • Weekday Tuesday                 

The books of Enoch-E-Enoch walked with God Genesis 5:24.          


Biblical authorities know at least three different versions of this esoteric scripture. These different translations were found in Hebrew, Ethiopian, and Greek. The most reliable version is the Ethiopian manuscript. 
The sincere seeker will not be able to understand these rare chapters without vastly increasing his knowledge of the Angelic Hosts. They contain a gold mine of deeply inspired realities that make enlightened seers all who respect their meaning. Throughout the third volume of the Books of Enoch, the angel prince incites the prophet in a symbolic way; come and I will show you where the waters are suspended, in the highest, where the fire burns in the hail, where the lightning flashes among the snowy mountains, where the thunder pumps in the celestial heights, where a flame burns in the midst of a burning fire and where voices are heard in the midst of thunder and the earthquake "[Chapter 42] 
A student familiar with the language of symbolism will see in the previous passage the discretion of a dimension where polarities coexist in harmony. "Where water is suspended in the highest," symbolizes the upper plane of the astral world. gives 
fourth dimension. Where the fire burns in the hail.
The scenario changes to the causal world. The latter is compared to a dimension of fire, but in the topography of its territory, we can observe crystal mountains, from which sparkle glows emanate, to hear sound songs of extraordinary power. The causal world contains treasures of sound, energy, creative inspiration, and archetypal patterns of things to come. In this regard, the channel that deals with causal observations becomes a lens through which we discern events that take place within. from that sublime level.     

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