segunda-feira, 4 de novembro de 2019

Angel of the day 04 / 11- Laoviah- Blessed and exalted God- 30 / 03- 11 / 06- 23 / 08- 16 / 01-

Mission: It's what you bring back from other lives.


MISSION:  Brings tranquility, value and courage. Provides traits of scientific mindset, inspiration, sense of premonition, strong intuition, responsibility and dedication. Corresponding planet: Sun. Visiting time: 05h20ás05h39. Psalm: 08. Lucky Number: 2.Day of the Week: Sunday. Yellow color. Element: Air. Stone: Topaz. "  MANTRA: "Lord! How great and wonderful is your Holy Name throughout the earth! Blessed is your name!" Name of angel in Hebrew: lamed / Aleph / ford / yod / he /. Name of angel in numbers: 12/1 6/10/5 /. Angelic taro card. The car. Favorable month for change: July. Dominate Germany: This angel provides a good night's sleep with tranquility. And soothes the spirit in stressful situations. Those born under the influence of this angel find it easy to discover angelic messages. The astral world is manifested through the unconscious, occurring visions, and premonitions. He has great nobility of character, cares about his welfare and all the people he lives with. Your matter matters will be achieved through the effort of your work, honest and worthy. So not being ashamed to have some superfluous ones. He will understand the human being as no one, for it is very easy to understand the soul of others. If you choose the health profession you will be of great cooperation to humanity, with your superior understanding of the human being also if you want to be a great philosopher, so you will have a lot of light in any activity you choose for your survival, because you will do well in any choice. The taro card says the key word is: DIRECTION . The profession linked to command will be the ideal for your success.  HEALTH : Physical wear and leg care. LOVE:They hate lazy people and when they find the right partner, they are predestined and faithful. In this letter we see a man with a resolute and self-confident stance on a carriage drawn by three horses. He wears a crown that radiates light (consciousness) and is a yellow cloak that covers his shoulders, showing that he manifests his spirituality through his intellect and that intelligence overlaps with blind spirituality. In his right hand he holds a scepter, or magic staff, showing that he is now the ruler of his own world. The car is covered by an awning supported by four rods, carried by four riders. the rods represent the four elements (earth, fire, water and air.) making the man occupying the car the fifth element, which receives knowledge and transmits it to humanity. The three white horses pulling the car, 

On request I will publish the prayer for the angels I make every day, (to make the requests, or to thank) (I Jacinta do at 18h00 but the time of the Angels is at 12h00.) At any time can be prayed, or any situation . And the psalm for receiving God's forgiveness is 50. This psalm also strengthens wisdom and humility.
Invocation of the Angelic Hierarchies .

Cross sign.
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men of good will.
Glory be to Lord Sabaoth, Adonai, El-Elohim, Creator of heaven and earth, of living and invisible things.
Glory be to God son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Glory to God, Holy Spirit.
Glory to the Triune God, Holy, Holy, Holy.
Seraphim pure spirits, flames that burn around the throne of the Most High.
Lord, God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Cherubim spirits of burning and pure light that shed upon the world the flash of your wisdom.
Virtues, Thrones, Powers, Dominations, Archangels, and Angels, spirits full of love, charity, courage and strength, will, love, charity, science in the service of God.
Miguel armed with sword of fire, victor of Lucifer and the dragon, defender of the faith, commander of the hosts that militate against the forces of darkness.
Gabriel, messenger of the Holy Spirit, light that illuminates the sky, lips that translate the words of God.
Raphael, enlightened and prudent guide, who lights the spark of divine love in human hearts.
Ariel, conscience of the good, inspirer of justice and good, inspirer of justice and goodness, in the minds of men.
Azrael, counselor and judge in the divine court.
Archangels and angels of the moon, I reverence you and humbly address my thoughts to you.
Holy angels, pour out your light, your wisdom, your love upon our souls by purifying them,
encouraging them, encouraging them, strengthening them, teaching them the practice of charity and good, that we may one day partake of the glory that those who walk in the way of God our Lord await.
Be our guardians, our shields against the onslaught of evil forces. Touch the minds of our enemies, that they may not persevere in the sin of hatred, injustice, and perdition.
May the most holy name of God be heard and proclaimed in heaven and on earth for ever and ever.
Pray 1 creed.
NB At the end of the invocation making the request of the grace you desire, I invite you to repeat this invocation nine days in a row, since there are nine Angelic Hierarchies!

                Blessed is my wish, because it has already been answered. AMEN.

Source: Meet your angel. EDT Nova Cultural
Source: Kabbalistic Angels. EDT Company of angels.
Source: Taro of angels. EDT Cultural workshop Monica Buonfiglio LTDA.
Contact me:  jacintavs1@gmail .com

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