sexta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2019

Anjo do dia 15/11- Ieiael- 27/01-10/04- 22/06- 03/09-

Mission; This Angel bestows upon those born in the days above, in the right business and in the pathways. It provides a personality with a tendency towards humanitarianism, flexibility, kindness, keen intuition and social relations. Corresponding planet; Mercury. Compared to other planets, little is known about Mercury, as terrestrial ground telescopes reveal only an illuminated crescent with limited detail. The first two spacecraft to explore the planet were Marine 10 , which mapped approximately 45% of the planet's surface between 1974 and 1975, and MESSENGER., which mapped another 30% of the surface during an overflight on January 14, 2008. The last overflight occurred in September 2009 and the spacecraft entered orbit on the planet on March 18, 2011, when it began mapping the rest of the planet, on a mission with a nominal duration of one terrestrial year. Time your Angel visits the earth; 7:00 a.m. to 7:19 p.m. Psalm; 120. Name of angel in Hebrew letters; yod / yod / yod / aleph / lamed. Name of angel in numbers; 10/10/10/1 / 12. Tarot card. The car. Symbology;  Advance, progress, beginning of something new. Briefly, the card symbolizes victory, direction, control, effort, confidence, the way. With the car there is progress, there are projects in progress. It symbolizes action, which is taken following a decision. What has been resolved is being implemented, is the realization of projects. The symbolism of the horses is evident: the white horse means "the Good", the black horse means "the Evil". This means that the person driving the carriage must have sufficient strength and leadership to prevent one from overturning the other. You must have firm control to maintain balance. Month of change provides for your personal / professional life. July. This Angel exercises dominion over England. This Angel dominates fortune, renown, diplomacy and commerce. Influences travel and the discovery of new paths or vocation. Those born under this influence have a spirit guided by the principle of change, because they know that nothing is permanent and therefore no moment of life can be wasted. Original and exotic in thinking and acting, is often considered a magician crazy. He has philanthropic ideas, is generous, hates human suffering and will always be working for the common good. You will need to travel, know the mystery of other countries, unravel obscure points. Medium of excellent degree of paranormality, will be sought by people who, believing in their strength, will seek comfort in their predictions or forebodings. Will be understanding, diplomatic, with great ability to capture the thinking of the people with whom you live, to improve their lives. 

From the Conferences of Saint Thomas Aquinas 
(Colatio 6 Super Creed in Deum - 13th Century) 

What need was there for the Son of God to suffer for us?

A great and, as it were, double need: to be a remedy against sin and an example of what we must practice.

It was primarily a remedy, because in Christ's passion we find remedy against all the evils that come upon us because of our sins.

But it is no less useful in relation to the example. In fact, Christ's passion is enough to guide our entire lives. Whoever wants to live in perfection has nothing more to fear than to despise what Christ despised on the cross and to desire what he desired.

On the cross, then, there is no lack of virtue.

If you are looking for an example of charity:  No one has greater love than the one who gives his life for his friends  (Jn 15:13). Thus did Christ on the cross.

And if he gave his life for us, we should not consider any harm we have to suffer because of him.

If you are looking for an example of patience, you will find the most excellent cross! We can recognize great patience in two circumstances: when one can serenely endure great suffering , or when one can avoid the sufferings and not avoid them.

Now  Christ endured great sufferings on the cross, and with great serenity, because in torment he did not threaten  (1 Pet 2:23); he was taken as a sheep to the slaughterhouse and did not open his mouth  (cf. Is 53: 7; Acts 8,32).

The patience of Christ on the cross is great, therefore Let us run patiently to the battle before us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus, who begins and completes the work of faith in us. In view of the joy that was offered him, he endured the cross, not caring about infamy  (cf. Heb 12: 1-2).

If you are looking for an example of humility, contemplate the crucified: God wanted to be judged under Pontius Pilate and die.

If you are looking for an example of obedience, follow the one who became obedient to the Father until death:  As by the disobedience of one man, that is, of Adam, all mankind was established in a condition of sin, so also by the obedience of one. , all mankind will move to a situation of justice  (Rom. 5:19).

If you seek an example of contempt for the things of the earth , follow him who is King of kings and Lord of lords, in whom all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are enclosed (Col 2: 3), and who is stripped of his crosses. robed, mocked, spat, beaten, crowned with thorns, and finally with vinegar and gall as a drink to quench thirst.

Do not worry about the garments and the riches,  because they have divided my clothes among themselves  (Jn 19,24); not with honors, because I was outraged and plagued; neither with dignity, because they  wove a crown of thorns, and put it upon my head  (cf. Mk 15:17); neither with the pleasures, because  in my thirst they offered me vinegar  (Ps 68,22).

Source: defensoresdasagradacruz.blogspot
Mistreating animals today in Brazil is a crime, so we must report that the practice of disrespecting animals is abolished, their connection will be kept confidential.
Source; Know your angel; EDT New Cultural.
Source; Kabbalistic angels; EDT Company of Angels.
Source; How to see His angels; EDT Welcome.
Speak; with me;

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