quarta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2019

Anjo do dia 13/11- Pahaliah- Anjo de lua-

Mission; When born on the day above, they receive as a Divine gift gifts that may or may not be used depending on their free will. It will be inclined to faith and favor character. It gives inclination to courage, to physical and moral endurance, to sociability and idealism. Corresponding planet; Moon. The Moon is the only natural satellite on Earth [ note 1 ] and the fifth largest in the Solar System . It is the largest natural satellite of a planet in the solar system relative to its primary body size [ note 2 ] having 27% of the diameter and 60% of the earth's density, which represents 81 of its mass . Among the satellites whose density is known, the moon is the second densest, behind Io . It is estimated that the Moon's formation has occurred about 4.5 billion * of years,relatively short time after the formation of the Earth. Although several hypotheses have been proposed in the past for its origin, the most consensual explanation today is that the moon was formed from the debris of a massive impact between Earth and another Mars- sized body .Time for your angel to visit the earth to bring the requests to God. 6:20 am to 6:39 am Psalm; 119. lucky number; 2. Day of the week; Friday. Name of the angel in Hebrew letters; phe / he / lamed / yod / he. angel's name in numbers; 17/5/12/10 / 5. Tarot card; The death. Farewell, sudden change. The death, represented by Rider Waite 's Tarot card , has as its main plan a knight of an undefined genre, holding in his left hand a flag whose pattern resembles a star pointing downwards. Under their feet some corpses, among them the king, and the last of them the priest. In the background, it seems, is the idea of ​​a lake [ 1 ] .
In some Tarots, it is called the "Unnamed Arcane" because no one wants to pronounce his Name. From Gypsy to bourgeois, from Mathers to Crowley , it is one of the most disturbing letters, as it means the abrupt interruption of a process. Associated with the sign Scorpio, it is considered the first of the so-called Night Cards , which end with The Tower ( Arcane XVI ). Month of change provides for your personal / professional life. April. This Angel has dominion over Moscow. Moscow European Portuguese ) or Moscow Brazilian Portuguese ) (in RussianМосква , transl. Moskva , lido Maskvá - AFI : [mɐˈskva]) is the most populous capital , city and federal subdivision of the Russian Federation . The city is an important political, economic, cultural, scientific, religious, financial, educational and transport hub of Russia and the continent. Moscow is the northernmost megacity on Earth , the second most populous city in Europe , behind Istanbul , and the sixth most populous city in the world , second only to Shanghai , Istanbul, Beijing ,Mumbai and Karachi . Its population, according to federal statistics results, has already exceeded 12 million. [ 3 ] Based on Forbes 2012 list, Moscow has the second largest community of millionaires in the world. This Angel helps uncover all the riddles of religions and assists the conversion of peoples to Christianity. He dominates religion, morals, theology and helps to find the right vocation. Who is born under this influence, develops from early on a very strong personality. He is an authentic combatant, always striving for great ideals. It is a great optimist. master in the art of discerning and likes to live in peace with everyone. Brings into this life all the experiences you have had, especially those related to family and children. Cannot live alone, needing to be happy of a faithful companion. He looks younger than he really is, and he has a big money earner, though he often has almost nothing. Your angel strongly influences you when you settle for a situation. Working with the angels will help you materially. You will study the initiatory cabal and understand that the invisible world is as harmonious as the visible. Will be intellectual, studious of various subjects in all areas.
                         Miracles and apparitions in the life of St. Francis, During his prayers;

Chapter 17 - Like St. Francis praying at night, a
novice boy saw Christ and the Virgin Mary and many other saints and thousands of angels around him and talking with him.

A very pure and innocent boy was received in the Order, living next to San Francisco; and he was in a small convent in which, as a matter of necessity, the brothers slept two in each bed.

St. Francis came to the convent once and in the afternoon, called Completes, went to sleep so that he could get up at night to pray when the other brothers were sleeping, as he had done.

Said boy set his heart on spying solicitously for the life of St. Francis , so that he could know his holiness and especially to know what he did at night when he got up.

And in order not to be fooled by sleep, this boy went to sleep beside San Francisco and tied his rope with that of San Francisco, to realize when he got up: St. Francis realized nothing about it.

But at night, in the first sleep, when all the friars slept, St. Francis got up and found his rope thus tied, loosened it so sweetly that the boy did not feel it, and left St. Francis alone in the woods nearby. from the convent, and went into a pit that was there, and prayed.

After a while, the boy woke up and found the rope untied and St. Francis lifted, got up too and went looking for him and, finding open the passage that led to the woods, thought that St. Francis was there and entered the woods.

And then, coming to the point where St. Francis prayed, he began to hear the great conversation:

… And coming closer to understand what he was hearing, he came to see a marvelous light that surrounded St. Francis and saw in it Christ and the Virgin Mary and St. John the Baptist and the Evangelist and the great multitude of angels, who were talking to S Francisco

Seeing this, the boy fell to the ground senseless; Then, when the mystery of that holy apparition was over, St. Francis returned to the convent, tripped over the body of the boy lying on the road as dead, and out of compassion carried him in his arms and laid him on the bed as the good shepherd does with his. sheep.

And then, knowing of him how he had seen the sight, he ordered him to say nothing to anyone while he was alive.

The boy became a man, for, in the great grace of God and the devotion of St. Francis, he was a man of valor in the Order; and only after the death of St. Francis did he reveal this vision to his brothers . (The Vatican acknowledged the truth of the novice's words, that by revelation he was already showing himself to be a valiant soldier of God, with a life dedicated to carrying on with all that St. Francis will teach him, for with him he shared everything he could so that he may continue. Sanctified.) Amen.

In praise of Christ. Amen.

Source: “The Fioretti” - St. Francis of Assisi

Mistreating animals today is a crime. Report you will be helping defend defenseless beings, your connection will be kept strictly confidential, and thus help to do justice.

Source; Know your angel; EDT New cultural.
Source; Kabbalistic angels; EDT Company of angels.
Source; Wikipedia free encyclopedia.
Source; How to see your angels; EDT Welcome.
Talk to me; jacintavs1@gmail.com

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