Mission; What the angel brings as a gift on the day of your birth from that day on will depend only on you. Assists in conciliation and justice. It provides a sense of fairness, reason, impartiality, integrity, compassion, compassion, righteousness and wisdom. Corresponding planet; Jupiter. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system , both in diameter and in mass, and is the fifth closest to the sun . [10] It has less than one - thousandth of the solar mass, yet has 2.5 times the mass of all other planets together. It is a gaseous planet along with Saturn , Uranus and Neptune.. These four planets are sometimes called Jupterian planets or Jovian planets . Jupiter is one of the four gas giants , that is, it is not primarily composed of solid matter. Time your Angel visits the earth; 4:20 to 04:39. Psalm; 09. lucky number; 1. day of the week; Thursday. Name of the angel in Hebrew letters; mem / beth / he / aleph / lamed. Name of angel in numbers; 13/2/5/1 / 12. Tarot card. The boyfriends.
Briefly, the taro card means attraction, doubt, indecision, affective relationship, duality, duplicity, union of opposites, paths to choose, and communication. Positive change month for your professional / personal life. June. This Angel has dominion over Spain.
Spain (in Castilian and Galician : España ; Catalan and Valencian : Espanya ; Basque : Espainia ; in Aranese : Spain ), officially Kingdom of Spain , is a country in southern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula . Its main territory is bounded to the south and east by the Mediterranean Sea , except for a small border with the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar ; to the north byFrance , Andorra and the Bay of Biscay and northwest and west by the Atlantic Ocean and Portugal . Spanish territory also includes the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean, the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean near the African coast and two autonomous cities in North Africa , Ceuta and Melilla , which border Morocco . With an area of 504 030 km² , Spain is, after France, the second largest country in Western Europe and the European Union.. This Angel is of justice, truth and freedom, delivers people who feel imprisoned or depressed, protects the innocent and makes the truth known. Whoever is born under this influence will be a law-knowing and spiritual dream coder who practices without utopia. Always the bearer of good news, he will be a magnificent advocate, disinterestedly, of innocent people. Your ego and strong presence of spirit will mark your daily life with nobility and dignity in actions. Sometimes you will have a strong impression that you are experiencing something that has already happened in another dimension, or even another. You will have great ease of adaptation and your life will be a transformation towards spiritual regeneration. Wasting no time in futility in any environment you are will be the center of attention for wisdom, common sense, serenity and intuition. The Guardian angel asks you to show this knowledge, a legacy of other incarnations, to people who need help. For this you will have the gift of oratory, strong choice and discernment.
At 16 she married D. Leonor de Alvim, very virtuous and considered the richest heiress of the kingdom. They had three children: two boys, who died early, and a girl, D. Beatriz , who was the trunk of the House of Bragança.
But Nuno was not satisfied with being a quiet castellan. He remembered the day he was knighted, the solemn oaths he had made, and wondered, “Will I spend my whole life like that? For this did I receive the sword so solemnly , upon which I made such serious promises? ”
King Fernando, the handsome, had given much of the kingdom to the Castilian invader without any resistance; Apathetic, soft, defibrillated man deserved the severe judgment of Camões: "a weak king makes strong people weak."
AND there was also the "great madness": Fernando had dared to place on the throne of St. Izabel, as Queen of Portugal, the legitimate wife of an exiled noblewoman - D. Leonor Teles, "the treacherous".
The wars had depleted the royal treasury, leading the King to change the value of the currency - a kind of inflation of the time - soon leading to famine, black exchange and famine.
In 1373 the Castilian army invades the south of the country, the Lusitanian squad is defeatedly defeated in Saltes, Lisbon is surrounded. King D. Fernando has no moral strength to resist , the nobles of the frontier are disinterested in defense, flock. The kingdom is dying.
Independence Hero of Portugal
Nuno, 22 of age, participates in the defense of Lisbon. A raid outside the walls against the Castilian troops that plundered the vineyards suddenly sets him, with his 50 men, in the face of 250 enemies.
He attacks them, is surrounded, knocked down and attacked - which in the meantime slip through the armor - until his own, raptured by his courage, make way to save him and launch themselves on the enemies in an overwhelming momentum that only ends with their escape by swimming across the river.
Year 1384. To support D. Beatriz's claims, Castile invades Portugal from the south. Nuno comes to a malformed and hopeless army .
He begins by raising the spirits of the soldiers, making them attend Mass in the military order , urging them to be adamant in fighting for the just cause, setting the example himself by saying that he does not recognize as such his two brothers, who march in vanguard of the enemy army.
In the field of Atoleiros the two armies meet. Nuno forms his own in a tight square dotted with spears. Castilian cavalry are thrown at him, and behind him the peonage, unable to break through the wall that the spears form, while arrows and stones rain down from within.
Gradually the invader's momentum dies, and then the young captain orders the attack. The square opens and fires the Portuguese cavalry, animated by D. Nuno , who throws himself on the Castilians until they completely shatter them.
The victory of Atoleiros discourages the invaders, who raise the siege of Lisbon and withdraw from Portugal.
Again Castile invades Portugal, now from the north. There are 30,000 men against the 8,000 available to D. João I. The royal council recommends not fighting. Choleric, Nuno leaves the court until he gets permission from the King to meet the invader.
In the fields of Aljubarrota will be fought the decisive battle for the sovereignty of Portugal. It is the 14th of August, vigil of the Assumption. The Blessed form their men in a narrow throat, thus offering little in the face of attack. At noon the enemy army appears, having the flower of the nobility and King D. João himself.
Only at six o'clock the war cries cut through the air, and the Castilian cavalry rushes against the wall formed by the Portuguese. These stand firm under the command of the Constable.
New charge, and the left wing begins to sag. Nuno flies there, revives the soldiers and regains position . The spears clash, the horses jump, the warriors shout, the wounded cry out, and in the din of battle the Spaniards begin to retreat. At this point, once again the Constable orders the attack.
The ranks are opened, and he breaks in front of the horsemen upon the enemy, who no longer resists them. Gradually the retreat is turning into a runaway escape, while the Portuguese shout victoryacross the fields, which the twilight sun shines sweetly. In less than an hour out wins the decisive battle.
Taking advantage of the winning momentum, Nuno crosses the border and invades Castile in search of the army he wants to completely dispel. Easily conquer Parra, Zafra, Fuente del Maestre, Usagre and Vila Garcia.
Finally they offer him combat in Valverde. It forms its classic square, but instead of waiting on the defensive, it blocs against the hills where the enemies have been entrenched .
Unlike the previous ones, the battle is long, already lasts two days. Two of the hills are conquered, the third resists firmly. At this moment the Constable disappears.
Disconcerted, his knights seek him out. Would it have died? After all Ruy Gonçalves finds him behind some rocks, praying .
Then he gets up, his face bright, his eyes bright. Rides a horse and throws himself like an arrow into the midst of the enemies, makes his way with impetuous force, and without being able to stop him, reaches the flag of the Master of Santiago, Castilian commander.
Behind him the Portuguese, electrified by their audacity, also erupted among their opponents. Astonished, these disband without further sketching any resistance.
Valverde's victory definitely consolidated Portugal's independence .
Hero in the Monastic Life
It was at this church, entrusted to the Carmelite priests, that he presented himself in 1423 asking to be admitted as a donate brother to the Order.
And as the Superior, Father Afonso da Alfama, insisted on receiving him at least as a lay brother, in a position somewhat less in disagreement with his dignity, he replied: and I want no other habit than that of servants . "
On August 15, 1423, the 38th anniversary of the battle of Aljubarrota, D. Nuno Alvares Pereira, Constable of Portugal, professed solemn vows before the community of the friars, the King, the royal family and the entire court. Receiving the Carmelite habit, it was simply called Friar Nuno de Santa Maria.
In the years he spent at the convent, his immaculate purity, his love of prayer, his devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, the hardness with which he mortified his innocent body, and especially his charity, committed to serving the poor with the same dedication with which he once fought. enemies, made him dear to the whole population of Lisbon.
Religious life in no way brought down its warrior spirit.
Visited by the Castilian ambassador, he asked him if there was anything that would lead him to take up arms again, to which the Blessed replied: “If the King of Castile again wages war against Portugal, while he is not buried, I will serve together with the Religion that I profess and the homeland that gave me the self ”.
When preparing a new military expedition to Ceuta, which did not come to fruition, Friar Nuno was willing to participate in what promised to be a hard deed of arms.
Some friars drew his attention, saying that at the age of 70 he would no longer have the vigor of a young knight. The venerable elder seized a spear and violently hurled it from the top of the hill he was on, in front of it: the gun sank deep into a tree and vibrated there .
At the surprise of the assistants, he said calmly:
Eight years lived Frei Nuno in Carmo. On the day that the definitive peace between Castile and Portugal was signed , the peace he had achieved with his hard spirit and hard sword had a sudden onset of fever.
Feeling the end near, he communed for the last time, renewed his vows , renounced all his possessions again and asked only as alms "a shroud and a grave for the body." He received a visit from the King, who weeping hugged him warmly.
On November 1, 1431, the feast of All Saints, Nuno received the Extreme Anointing. He asked, in a final murmur, to read his Passion according to St. John. During his reading, he was in agony.
Source: Catholicism Magazine, No. 44, August 1954
Mistreating animals now is a crime, reporting that your connection will be kept confidential. And you will be helping to punish criminals.
Source; Know your angel; EDT New Cultural.
Source; Kabbalistic angels; EDT Company of Angels.
Source; Psalms and angels; EDT High Astral.
Talk to me; jacintavs1@gmail.com
Hero of Portugal, Warrior and Saint: know the amazing life of St. Nuno Alvares
Born in 1360, in the castle of Sernache de Bonjardim, son of one of the most illustrious lords of the kingdom, D. Álvaro Gonçalves Pereira, Prior of the Military Order of the Hospitallers, had D. Nuno the military education of the nobles.
At 16 she married D. Leonor de Alvim, very virtuous and considered the richest heiress of the kingdom. They had three children: two boys, who died early, and a girl, D. Beatriz , who was the trunk of the House of Bragança.
But Nuno was not satisfied with being a quiet castellan. He remembered the day he was knighted, the solemn oaths he had made, and wondered, “Will I spend my whole life like that? For this did I receive the sword so solemnly , upon which I made such serious promises? ”
King Fernando, the handsome, had given much of the kingdom to the Castilian invader without any resistance; Apathetic, soft, defibrillated man deserved the severe judgment of Camões: "a weak king makes strong people weak."
AND there was also the "great madness": Fernando had dared to place on the throne of St. Izabel, as Queen of Portugal, the legitimate wife of an exiled noblewoman - D. Leonor Teles, "the treacherous".
The wars had depleted the royal treasury, leading the King to change the value of the currency - a kind of inflation of the time - soon leading to famine, black exchange and famine.
In 1373 the Castilian army invades the south of the country, the Lusitanian squad is defeatedly defeated in Saltes, Lisbon is surrounded. King D. Fernando has no moral strength to resist , the nobles of the frontier are disinterested in defense, flock. The kingdom is dying.
Independence Hero of Portugal
Nuno, 22 of age, participates in the defense of Lisbon. A raid outside the walls against the Castilian troops that plundered the vineyards suddenly sets him, with his 50 men, in the face of 250 enemies.
Unable to lift the terrified mood of the Portuguese knights with exhortations, he had thrown himself alone at the Spaniards.
He attacks them, is surrounded, knocked down and attacked - which in the meantime slip through the armor - until his own, raptured by his courage, make way to save him and launch themselves on the enemies in an overwhelming momentum that only ends with their escape by swimming across the river.
Year 1384. To support D. Beatriz's claims, Castile invades Portugal from the south. Nuno comes to a malformed and hopeless army .
He begins by raising the spirits of the soldiers, making them attend Mass in the military order , urging them to be adamant in fighting for the just cause, setting the example himself by saying that he does not recognize as such his two brothers, who march in vanguard of the enemy army.
It may later be said that the camps of their comrades were more like monasteries of retired religious, such as the order and piety that dominated them.
In the field of Atoleiros the two armies meet. Nuno forms his own in a tight square dotted with spears. Castilian cavalry are thrown at him, and behind him the peonage, unable to break through the wall that the spears form, while arrows and stones rain down from within.
Gradually the invader's momentum dies, and then the young captain orders the attack. The square opens and fires the Portuguese cavalry, animated by D. Nuno , who throws himself on the Castilians until they completely shatter them.
To thank the Mother of God for the victory, Nuno goes on pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Assumar and finds it desecrated, turned into stable. With his own hands he cleans it and gives it back to the service.
The victory of Atoleiros discourages the invaders, who raise the siege of Lisbon and withdraw from Portugal.
Again Castile invades Portugal, now from the north. There are 30,000 men against the 8,000 available to D. João I. The royal council recommends not fighting. Choleric, Nuno leaves the court until he gets permission from the King to meet the invader.
In the fields of Aljubarrota will be fought the decisive battle for the sovereignty of Portugal. It is the 14th of August, vigil of the Assumption. The Blessed form their men in a narrow throat, thus offering little in the face of attack. At noon the enemy army appears, having the flower of the nobility and King D. João himself.
Only at six o'clock the war cries cut through the air, and the Castilian cavalry rushes against the wall formed by the Portuguese. These stand firm under the command of the Constable.
New charge, and the left wing begins to sag. Nuno flies there, revives the soldiers and regains position . The spears clash, the horses jump, the warriors shout, the wounded cry out, and in the din of battle the Spaniards begin to retreat. At this point, once again the Constable orders the attack.
The ranks are opened, and he breaks in front of the horsemen upon the enemy, who no longer resists them. Gradually the retreat is turning into a runaway escape, while the Portuguese shout victoryacross the fields, which the twilight sun shines sweetly. In less than an hour out wins the decisive battle.
Taking advantage of the winning momentum, Nuno crosses the border and invades Castile in search of the army he wants to completely dispel. Easily conquer Parra, Zafra, Fuente del Maestre, Usagre and Vila Garcia.
Finally they offer him combat in Valverde. It forms its classic square, but instead of waiting on the defensive, it blocs against the hills where the enemies have been entrenched .
Unlike the previous ones, the battle is long, already lasts two days. Two of the hills are conquered, the third resists firmly. At this moment the Constable disappears.
Disconcerted, his knights seek him out. Would it have died? After all Ruy Gonçalves finds him behind some rocks, praying .
Asks, insists that it come soon, that the Portuguese will be dispersed. “This is not the time yet,” says Nuno, “let me finish praying.” And it remains a long time still in prayer.
Then he gets up, his face bright, his eyes bright. Rides a horse and throws himself like an arrow into the midst of the enemies, makes his way with impetuous force, and without being able to stop him, reaches the flag of the Master of Santiago, Castilian commander.
Behind him the Portuguese, electrified by their audacity, also erupted among their opponents. Astonished, these disband without further sketching any resistance.
Valverde's victory definitely consolidated Portugal's independence .
In the succeeding years, D. Nuno was busy reorganizing the Portuguese army in a stable and definitive manner. He built several churches in honor of the Virgin, the most important being the one of Our Lady of Maturity in Lisbon.
Hero in the Monastic Life
It was at this church, entrusted to the Carmelite priests, that he presented himself in 1423 asking to be admitted as a donate brother to the Order.
And as the Superior, Father Afonso da Alfama, insisted on receiving him at least as a lay brother, in a position somewhat less in disagreement with his dignity, he replied: and I want no other habit than that of servants . "
On August 15, 1423, the 38th anniversary of the battle of Aljubarrota, D. Nuno Alvares Pereira, Constable of Portugal, professed solemn vows before the community of the friars, the King, the royal family and the entire court. Receiving the Carmelite habit, it was simply called Friar Nuno de Santa Maria.
In the years he spent at the convent, his immaculate purity, his love of prayer, his devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, the hardness with which he mortified his innocent body, and especially his charity, committed to serving the poor with the same dedication with which he once fought. enemies, made him dear to the whole population of Lisbon.
Religious life in no way brought down its warrior spirit.
Visited by the Castilian ambassador, he asked him if there was anything that would lead him to take up arms again, to which the Blessed replied: “If the King of Castile again wages war against Portugal, while he is not buried, I will serve together with the Religion that I profess and the homeland that gave me the self ”.
Moving away the scapular, he opened the habit and showed beneath it the knight's armor.
When preparing a new military expedition to Ceuta, which did not come to fruition, Friar Nuno was willing to participate in what promised to be a hard deed of arms.
Some friars drew his attention, saying that at the age of 70 he would no longer have the vigor of a young knight. The venerable elder seized a spear and violently hurled it from the top of the hill he was on, in front of it: the gun sank deep into a tree and vibrated there .
At the surprise of the assistants, he said calmly:
"In Africa I will be able to put it in, if it is still necessary for me to expose my life in danger, in honor of the Fatherland or in defense of Religion." Hence the so-called “throwing a spear into Africa”, meaning to practice valiant deed .
Eight years lived Frei Nuno in Carmo. On the day that the definitive peace between Castile and Portugal was signed , the peace he had achieved with his hard spirit and hard sword had a sudden onset of fever.
Feeling the end near, he communed for the last time, renewed his vows , renounced all his possessions again and asked only as alms "a shroud and a grave for the body." He received a visit from the King, who weeping hugged him warmly.
On November 1, 1431, the feast of All Saints, Nuno received the Extreme Anointing. He asked, in a final murmur, to read his Passion according to St. John. During his reading, he was in agony.
And just as the words of Our Lord were spoken to Mary Most Holy. "Ecce filius tuus," she closed her eyes sweetly.
Source: Catholicism Magazine, No. 44, August 1954
Mistreating animals now is a crime, reporting that your connection will be kept confidential. And you will be helping to punish criminals.
Source; Know your angel; EDT New Cultural.
Source; Kabbalistic angels; EDT Company of Angels.
Source; Psalms and angels; EDT High Astral.
Talk to me; jacintavs1@gmail.com
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