quinta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2019

Anjo do dia 24/10- Osíris. Genio da humanidade-

The Geniuses of Humanity

According to the Kabbalah, there are 72 angels and each governs 5 days of the year. When we multiply 72x5 = 360 days. So there are 5 days left.

The people born in these days are the so-called “Geniuses of Humanity” and are considered special and privileged, as they are considered karmic deities, and have the right to choose any of the 72 angels as their protector, ie the one with whom they most identify. It has no specific angel as they are protected by all angels of all categories.

These people have the mission of guarding humanity and in other lives made sacrifices for the group in which they lived, so they have a higher level of consciousness. It has a very strong angelic essence due to the humanitarian acts they have practiced in other lives. The Geniuses of Humanity are intelligent people who have easy contact with the 4 elements of nature (fire, earth, air and water) and the world of elementals (salamanders, gnomes, sylphs, fairies and undines).

They have a strong sense of morality and justice, as they have reincarnated many times. Because of this, it has some “karmic responsibilities,” such as combating ignorance, corruption, and acts that may harm themselves and others. They must sow goodness, harmony, and good feelings, never doing anything that their conscience disapproves of, combating debauchery and impurity of feelings. If a Human Genius practices evil, his mission on earth will not be fulfilled and all things will be turned against him. That is why they must find their way and the means to do their work without ever forgetting the purpose for which they came. That is why they should always vibrate positively, have courage and not be carried away by the opinion of others, honoring their word and respecting others.

Only your physical presence is sufficient to ward off contrary genius from other people or environments. They have the gift of practicing High Magic through their astral and mental body, and they have the gift of invoking the elemental forces associated with their day of birth.

Each of these 5 days was also associated with an Egyptian deity, for when the Hebrew people, circa 1600 BC, fleeing the famine and scarcity of their land, went to Egypt, where they became slaves. So their knowledge of angels was associated with the Egyptian gods. Therefore, each date was consecrated to an Egyptian god who protects those born in those days.

The days corresponding to the Geniuses of Humanity are: 01/05, 03/19, 05/31, 08/12 and 24/10.

24/10- Egyptian god Osiris. Water element.

This day is protected by the Egyptian god Osiris, the lord of the gods of Egypt. It represents the afterlife and is the symbol of renewal and rebirth. Day ruled by wave forces

Those born on this day are very emotional and always guided by feelings, which are in tune with the people around them. He has strong intuition and paranormal powers, and through that intuition he learns to work his paranormal gifts.

It is very persistent and never gives up on reaching its goals, no matter how hard the struggle. It never leaves anything in half. Do not get discouraged or tired during a battle: resist any adversity and defend what you want to the end, in any sector. Your decisions are very much based on your emotions and intuition, which helps you accomplish great things in society. It gives a lot of security to the people around you.

Contrary genius:  stimulates jealousy and distrust. Tendency to use intuition to practice black magic.

Source: Know Your Angel. EDT New cultural.

Horus Esotericism. www.planetaesoterico.com.br

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