Mission: And what are you behind other lives-
Mission; Brings hope and material luck. Confer cordial disposition, pursuit of progress, humility, openness of mind, taste for philosophy, intuition and religiosity; Corresponding planet; Sun. Time your Angel visits the earth; 6:20 pm to 6:39 pm Psalm; 144. Lucky number 3. Day of the week; Thursday. Angel in Hebrew letters; phe / ford / yod / aleph / lamed. Angel Name in numbers; 17/6/10 / 1/12. Taro card; The wheel of fortune. Favorable change month for your professional / personal life. October. It exercises dominion over the inhabitants of Aden. This angel helps to overcome demands. It favors the acquisition of prestige, fortune and the propaganda of the great philosophies. Those born under this influence will be treasured by all. Due to your modesty and pleasant mood. Your fortune will be earned due to your talent and good conduct. He has managed to get everything he wants and will always be committed to learning and knowing all the things in the world. Despite its modest and fragile appearance, it will strive to put itself in a favorable economic position and thereby gain recognition for its extraordinary talents by becoming known worldwide. Open to anything that is a symbol of vitality, it will counterbalance reason and passion. He believes in saving people through love and will always be ready to help everyone. It will always work according to the spiritualist and angelic philosophy. Optimistic, you will be able to emphasize the positive qualities of people and situations. With its charm, it illuminates the lives of everyone around it. It will strive to put itself in a favorable economic position and thus gain recognition for its extraordinary talents by becoming known worldwide. Open to anything that is a symbol of vitality, it will counterbalance reason and passion. He believes in saving people through love and will always be ready to help everyone. It will always work according to the spiritualist and angelic philosophy. Optimistic, you will be able to emphasize the positive qualities of people and situations. With its charm, it illuminates the lives of everyone around it. It will strive to put itself in a favorable economic position and thus gain recognition for its extraordinary talents by becoming known worldwide. Open to anything that is a symbol of vitality, it will counterbalance reason and passion. He believes in saving people through love and will always be ready to help everyone. It will always work according to the spiritualist and angelic philosophy. Optimistic, you will be able to emphasize the positive qualities of people and situations. With its charm, it illuminates the lives of everyone around it. It will always work according to the spiritualist and angelic philosophy. Optimistic, you will be able to emphasize the positive qualities of people and situations. With its charm, it illuminates the lives of everyone around it. It will always work according to the spiritualist and angelic philosophy. Optimistic, you will be able to emphasize the positive qualities of people and situations. With its charm, it illuminates the lives of everyone around it.
"- Dona Jacinta, I am curious for you to tell me in your vision, because God gave the order of a father to kill his son! (Abraham). My name is Julião Mesquita Almeida Pires I live in the Federal District, I am a civil servant, and I visit your blog every day.
"- I will not give you my vision, but a piece of history that the bible tells us. As I have said many times I am not a historian, but a storyteller. A research historian travels and seeks to better unveil the situations already discovered. , and in my case the stories I analyze, and have in my view truth, I publish on the blog. I hope to continue to count on your visit.
Genesis 22: 11-21.
11 But the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham! He answered: Here I am. 12 Then said the angel, Lay not your hand on the young man, and do nothing to him. For now I know that thou fearest God, because thou hast not denied me thy son, thy only son. 13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in the thicket by its horns; And Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him for a burnt offering instead of his son. 14 So Abraham called that place Jehovah-jireh; whence it is said unto this day, It shall be provided in the mount of the Lord. 15 Then the angel of the Lord called to Abraham a second time from heaven, 16 and said, I have sworn by myself, saith the LORD, because thou hast done this, and hast not denied me thy son, thy only son, 17 whom I will indeed bless thee, and greatly multiply thy seed, as the stars of heaven, and as the sand. which is on the sea beach; and your seed shall possess the gate of their enemies; 18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed. because you have obeyed my voice. 19 So Abraham returned to his young men, and they rose and went together to Beer-sheba. And Abraham dwelt in Beer-sheba. 20 And after these things they told Abraham, saying, Behold, Milcah has also given birth to Nahor thy brother: 21 Uz his firstborn, and Buz his brother, and Quemuel the father of Aaron;
The Hebrew Bible uses the terms מלאכי אלוהים ( malakhi Elohim , "angel of God"), [3] מלאכי אֲדֹנָי ( malakhi Adonai , "angel of the Lord"), [4] בני אלוהים ( b'nei elohim , "children of God" ") and הקדושים ( ha-qodeshim ," the saints ") to refer to beings traditionally interpreted as angelic messengers . Other terms are used in later texts, such as העליונים ( ha-elyonim , "the high ones"). In fact, angels are uncommon except for later works, such as the Book of Daniel , although they are mentioned briefly in Jacob's stories. (who, by various interpretations, would have fought an angel) and Lot , who was warned by an angel of the imminent destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah . Daniel is the first biblical figure who refers to angels individually by their names. [5]
It is speculated, therefore, that Jewish interest in angels developed during captivity in Babylon . [6] According to Rabbi Simeon ben Lakish of Tiberias (AD 230-270), all the specific names of the angels would have been brought by the Jews from Babylon .
There are no explicit references to archangels in the canonical texts of the Hebrew Bible ( Old Testament ). In post-biblical Judaism certain angels began to take on particular importance, developing unique personalities and roles. Although these archangels are believed to have prominence among the celestial hosts, no systematized hierarchy was developed. Metatron is considered the most important of angels in Merkabah and Kabbalistic mysticism , and often performs the function of scribe . It is mentioned briefly in the Talmud , [7] and figures prominently in the Merkabah mystical texts. Miguel, who acts as a warrior and representative of Israel ( Daniel 10:13), is seen in a particularly benevolent manner. Gabriel is mentioned in the Book of Daniel (Daniel, 8: 15-17) and, briefly, in the Talmud, [8] as well as in many Merkabah mystical texts. The earliest references to archangels were made in the literature of intertestamental periods (eg 4 Ezra 4:36).
Within the rabbinical tradition, in Kabbalah and Chapter 20 of the Book of Enoch , and in the Life of Adam and Eve , the traditional number of archangels It is mentioned as being at least seven which are the main ones. Three higher archangels are also often referenced: Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel. There is some confusion about one of the following eight names, with respect to what is listed as not really being an archangel: Uriel , Sariel , Raguel and Remiel (possibly the Ramiel of the Apocalypse of Baruch , who preside over true visions) Zadequiel , Jofiel , Haniel and Chamuel . [9] The medieval Jewish philosopher Maimonides wrote a Jewish angelic hierarchy .
In addition, homes that follow the Jewish traditions often sing a song of welcome to the angels before the dinner the night of Friday ( Sabbath ), entitled " Shalom Aleichem ," which means "peace be with you." This stems from a statement attributed to Rabbi Jose ben Judah that two angels would accompany each believer upon their return home after Friday evening services in the synagogue , [10] angels associated with the 'good inclination' ( yetzir ha -tov ) and the 'bad inclination' ( yetzir ha-ra ). [11]
Archangel figures appear in the Old Testament , but the term "archangel" is not used in the Greek versions, however, the word appears in the Greek versions of pseudepigraphers like the writings of Enoch that assigns class to angels and only twice in the Bible. Christian, in the New Testament only : [12] [13]
The New Testament often speaks of angels (for example, angels bring messages to Mary , Joseph and the shepherds; angels speak to Jesus after his temptation in the wilderness , another angel visits him during his agony, angels are seen in the tomb of the resurrected Christ, and they are angels who deliver the apostles Peter and Paul from prison); only two references, however, are made to "archangels": Michael in the Epistle of Jude (1: 9) and First Epistle to the Thessalonians (4:16), where the "voice of an archangel" will be heard upon the return of Christ.
On the day set for the ceremony, St. Conrad and some religious went to the church late into the night and prayed.
Suddenly, they saw that the church had been illuminated by a heavenly light and that Jesus Christ himself , welcomed by the four evangelists, was celebrating the office of Dedication on the altar.
St. Conrad refers in one of his works to the various exclamations of angels in the singing of the Sanctus, Agnus Dei and the final Dominus vobiscum.
To the Sanctus, among others, they said, “Have mercy on us, O God, whose holiness shines in the sanctuary of the glorious Virgin . Blessed be the Son of Mary, who comes to this place to reign forever! ”
St. Conrad, bishop of Constanza, had a clear sense of the immense gravity and seriousness of each Mass. Amazed by such an apparition, the Bishop continued to pray until eleven o'clock in the day.
And the people anxiously awaited the commencement of the ceremony, yet no one dared to inquire into the cause of this delay. After all, some religious approach the prelate and ask him to begin the solemnity.
But St. Conrad, without leaving the place where he prayed, simply tells everything he had witnessed and heard. His narration suggested that he was under the illusion of a dream .
Finally, the Holy Bishop, yielding to all, decided to consecrate the church.
It was then that in the ears of the faithful they heard these words, spoken by an angelic voice, which echoed throughout the assembly, saying more than once in the language of the Church:
And after all the necessary legal information, Leo VIII publicized the fact through a special bull, which was confirmed by the popes Innocent IV, Martin V, Nicholas IV, Eugene VI, Nicholas V, Pius II, Julius II, Leo X , Pius IV, Gregory XIII, Clement VII and Urban VIII.
And on May 15, 1793, Pius VI ratified the acts of his predecessors, despite skeptics, always ready to doubt what is not theirs, and full of absurd credulity toward what flatters them.
(Month of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament - Fr. Alberto Tesnière, SSS - Tip. Maria Auxilium, SP - 1st edition, 1946, pp. 76 -77)
Source: imeldaeucaristia.blogspot
"- Dona Jacinta, I am curious for you to tell me in your vision, because God gave the order of a father to kill his son! (Abraham). My name is Julião Mesquita Almeida Pires I live in the Federal District, I am a civil servant, and I visit your blog every day.
"- I will not give you my vision, but a piece of history that the bible tells us. As I have said many times I am not a historian, but a storyteller. A research historian travels and seeks to better unveil the situations already discovered. , and in my case the stories I analyze, and have in my view truth, I publish on the blog. I hope to continue to count on your visit.
Genesis 22: 11-21.
11 But the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham! He answered: Here I am. 12 Then said the angel, Lay not your hand on the young man, and do nothing to him. For now I know that thou fearest God, because thou hast not denied me thy son, thy only son. 13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in the thicket by its horns; And Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him for a burnt offering instead of his son. 14 So Abraham called that place Jehovah-jireh; whence it is said unto this day, It shall be provided in the mount of the Lord. 15 Then the angel of the Lord called to Abraham a second time from heaven, 16 and said, I have sworn by myself, saith the LORD, because thou hast done this, and hast not denied me thy son, thy only son, 17 whom I will indeed bless thee, and greatly multiply thy seed, as the stars of heaven, and as the sand. which is on the sea beach; and your seed shall possess the gate of their enemies; 18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed. because you have obeyed my voice. 19 So Abraham returned to his young men, and they rose and went together to Beer-sheba. And Abraham dwelt in Beer-sheba. 20 And after these things they told Abraham, saying, Behold, Milcah has also given birth to Nahor thy brother: 21 Uz his firstborn, and Buz his brother, and Quemuel the father of Aaron;
Archangels; Gabriel Miguel Rafael the best known in the West, not taking away the importance of the other Archangels, which has the same Divine importance. All Appearances and announcements are always made by these hosts.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
It is speculated, therefore, that Jewish interest in angels developed during captivity in Babylon . [6] According to Rabbi Simeon ben Lakish of Tiberias (AD 230-270), all the specific names of the angels would have been brought by the Jews from Babylon .
There are no explicit references to archangels in the canonical texts of the Hebrew Bible ( Old Testament ). In post-biblical Judaism certain angels began to take on particular importance, developing unique personalities and roles. Although these archangels are believed to have prominence among the celestial hosts, no systematized hierarchy was developed. Metatron is considered the most important of angels in Merkabah and Kabbalistic mysticism , and often performs the function of scribe . It is mentioned briefly in the Talmud , [7] and figures prominently in the Merkabah mystical texts. Miguel, who acts as a warrior and representative of Israel ( Daniel 10:13), is seen in a particularly benevolent manner. Gabriel is mentioned in the Book of Daniel (Daniel, 8: 15-17) and, briefly, in the Talmud, [8] as well as in many Merkabah mystical texts. The earliest references to archangels were made in the literature of intertestamental periods (eg 4 Ezra 4:36).
Within the rabbinical tradition, in Kabbalah and Chapter 20 of the Book of Enoch , and in the Life of Adam and Eve , the traditional number of archangels It is mentioned as being at least seven which are the main ones. Three higher archangels are also often referenced: Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel. There is some confusion about one of the following eight names, with respect to what is listed as not really being an archangel: Uriel , Sariel , Raguel and Remiel (possibly the Ramiel of the Apocalypse of Baruch , who preside over true visions) Zadequiel , Jofiel , Haniel and Chamuel . [9] The medieval Jewish philosopher Maimonides wrote a Jewish angelic hierarchy .
In addition, homes that follow the Jewish traditions often sing a song of welcome to the angels before the dinner the night of Friday ( Sabbath ), entitled " Shalom Aleichem ," which means "peace be with you." This stems from a statement attributed to Rabbi Jose ben Judah that two angels would accompany each believer upon their return home after Friday evening services in the synagogue , [10] angels associated with the 'good inclination' ( yetzir ha -tov ) and the 'bad inclination' ( yetzir ha-ra ). [11]
- For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a loud cry, the voice of an archangel, and the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first.
- But when Michael the archangel , arguing with the Devil, was quarreling over the body of Moses, he dared not strike him with a blasphemous sentence, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.
Orthodox Archangels |
Unbelievable! St. Conrad saw Our Lord celebrate a Mass - know this magnificent story.
In September 948, Einsiedeln Abbot Eberhaad asked St. Conrad, Bishop of Constance, to deign to consecrate the church of his Abbey.
At the request, the Prelate went to the Convent, accompanied by the Holy Bishop of Augsbourg, Ulric, and a committee of gentlemen of the society. On the day set for the ceremony, St. Conrad and some religious went to the church late into the night and prayed.
Suddenly, they saw that the church had been illuminated by a heavenly light and that Jesus Christ himself , welcomed by the four evangelists, was celebrating the office of Dedication on the altar.
Angels sprinkled perfumes on the right and left of the Divine Pontiff; the apostle St. Peter and Pope St. Gregory held the insignia of the pontificate; and before the altar was the Holy Mother of God, surrounded by a halo of glory.
A choir of angels, ruled by St. Michael , vibrated the vaults of the temple with their heavenly chants. St. Stephen and St. Lawrence, the most illustrious deacon martyrs, performed their duties.St. Conrad refers in one of his works to the various exclamations of angels in the singing of the Sanctus, Agnus Dei and the final Dominus vobiscum.
To the Sanctus, among others, they said, “Have mercy on us, O God, whose holiness shines in the sanctuary of the glorious Virgin . Blessed be the Son of Mary, who comes to this place to reign forever! ”
St. Conrad, bishop of Constanza, had a clear sense of the immense gravity and seriousness of each Mass. Amazed by such an apparition, the Bishop continued to pray until eleven o'clock in the day.
And the people anxiously awaited the commencement of the ceremony, yet no one dared to inquire into the cause of this delay. After all, some religious approach the prelate and ask him to begin the solemnity.
But St. Conrad, without leaving the place where he prayed, simply tells everything he had witnessed and heard. His narration suggested that he was under the illusion of a dream .
Finally, the Holy Bishop, yielding to all, decided to consecrate the church.
It was then that in the ears of the faithful they heard these words, spoken by an angelic voice, which echoed throughout the assembly, saying more than once in the language of the Church:
“Cease, cease, frater! Capella divinitas consecrata est: Stop, stop, my brother, the chapel has already been divinely consecrated. ”
For the well-prayed Mass, St. Conrad released countless souls from Purgatory . Seventeen years later, St. Contado, St. Ulrich, and other eyewitnesses of the event, meeting in Rome, bore a solemn witness about him.And after all the necessary legal information, Leo VIII publicized the fact through a special bull, which was confirmed by the popes Innocent IV, Martin V, Nicholas IV, Eugene VI, Nicholas V, Pius II, Julius II, Leo X , Pius IV, Gregory XIII, Clement VII and Urban VIII.
And on May 15, 1793, Pius VI ratified the acts of his predecessors, despite skeptics, always ready to doubt what is not theirs, and full of absurd credulity toward what flatters them.
(Month of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament - Fr. Alberto Tesnière, SSS - Tip. Maria Auxilium, SP - 1st edition, 1946, pp. 76 -77)
Source: imeldaeucaristia.blogspot
Animals, children and nature are Divine blessings.
Source; Know your angel; EDT New Cultural.
Source; Kabbalistic angels; EDT Company of Angels.
Source; Psalm and Angels; EDT High Astral.
Talk to me; jacintavs1@gmail.com
Source; Kabbalistic angels; EDT Company of Angels.
Source; Psalm and Angels; EDT High Astral.
Talk to me; jacintavs1@gmail.com
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