quarta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2019

Anjo do dia 09/10- Ieialel- 04/03- 16/05- 28/07- 21/12-

Mission: And what you bring from other lives.

Mission; Favors the arts and brings good cheer. It provides eloquent spirit, sincerity, cordiality, affection, courage, sincerity and appreciation for the arts. Corresponding planet; Mars. Time your angel visits the earth. 7:00 pm to 7:19 pm Psalm; 06. lucky number; 8.Day of the week; Tuesday. Name of the angel in Hebrew letters; yod / yod / lamed / aleph / lamed. Angel Name in numbers; 10/10/12/1 / 12. Tarot card. The hermit. He exercises his dominion over the Alanites. This angel taking away the sadness and confusing the wicked and the false witnesses. It protects against evil, especially eye ailments, influences gunsmiths, locksmiths and all who work, trade and trade iron products. Those born under this influence will be distinguished by their courage and candor. It will have protection from the planet. Venus and the corresponding signs. Bull Scales. You will be considered a lucid person who clearly decides all complicated or compromising situations. Frank and with a loving temperament, will have a taste for flowers, ornaments bucolic paintings. Optimistic, he loves the truth and defends it so that everything will be done in the most perfect order. Endowed with great affection, strong aesthetic sense, solidity and appreciation of material goods. He accepts his sensuality well, reaching serenity, when he satisfies his tendency to all kinds of pleasures without repressing himself. He is a little introvert and always controls his exhibitionistic instincts. He loves the truth and defends it so that everything may be done in the most perfect order. Endowed with great affection, strong aesthetic sense, solidity and appreciation of material goods. He accepts his sensuality well, reaching serenity, when he satisfies his tendency to all kinds of pleasures without repressing himself. He is a little introvert and always controls his exhibitionistic instincts. He loves the truth and defends it so that everything may be done in the most perfect order. Endowed with great affection, strong aesthetic sense, solidity and appreciation of material goods. He accepts his sensuality well, reaching serenity, when he satisfies his tendency to all kinds of pleasures without repressing himself. He is a little introvert and always controls his exhibitionistic instincts.

Adam and Eve

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

According to the  Bible  in the Book of  Genesis   and the  Quran   ,  Adam and Eve  were the first  couple  created by  God . Adam  (from Hebrew  אדם  related to either  adama ,  red soil  or  red clay , as to  adom , "red", and  dam  "blood") is considered within the  Judeo-Christian  and  Islamic tradition  as the first  human being , a new species. created directly by  GodIt would have been created from the earth in God's image and likeness   for dominion over the earthly creation.
Like Adam,  his wife Eve was also created directly by God from   Adam's rib . Some people consider that the word  tsella  was wrongly translated as  rib . [4]  The name Eve derives from the Hebrew  hav.váh , meaning "living," and would have been given by Adam himself. In Greek, it is poured by  zoë , which means " life, " not  bios .
Adam and Eve were placed in the  Garden of Eden. to live there and fill the earth with their descendants. Both Eve and then Adam first ate the  forbidden fruit  of the  tree of knowledge  ("knowledge of good and evil") created by God, and after that, according to the biblical account, all mankind was deprived of perfection and the prospect of endless life. Here would arise for  Jews ,  Muslims,  and  Christians  the notion of   inherited sin - the innate tendency to sin - and the need for a ransom of  humanity  condemned to  death . After eating the  forbidden fruitAdam and Eve became aware that they were naked and therefore hid when noticing the presence of God in the Garden of Eden. God  drove them out of the garden of  Eden , and gave them clothing from animal skin.
Adam and Eve were fathers of  Cain ,  Abel ,  Seth , among other sons and daughters. According to  Genesis  5: 5, Adam would have lived  930  years, reaching as far as  Lamech , Noah's father  , the eighth generation of his offspring.


Adam  ( Hebrew : אָדָם, "Man";  Arabic : آدم;  ge'ez : አዳም).
Eve '  ( Hebrew : חַוָּה, Ḥavva, "Living";  Arabic : حواء, Hawwaa;  Ge'ez :( ሕይዋን,  Hiywan )

Jewish view;

According to the rabbinical view, man, being created in the image and likeness of  God , would thus be a microcosm of the forces of creation, an argument in which most of  Kabbalah is concerned . For  Maimonides , only man presents free will an attribute considered divine. Rashi explains that the image and likeness is a conceptual archetype, model, or plan that  God  would have made for man and embodied in what is called the primordial man  Adam Kadmon .

Christian vision;

Adam and Eve. Mabuse, 16th Century.
The  Roman Apostolic Catholic Church , like many other so-called Christian religions  , condemns  polygenism , meaning that there would have been several human couples that gave rise to all the rest of humanity. However, the Church does not condemn the  theory of evolution , for the form in which corporeal matter arose is not part of  the Church 's deposit of  faith . The Church leaves open this discussion, according to the Encyclical Letter Humanis Generis, as long as the believer believes that at some point God has given man a  soul., which set it apart from other animals. Also according to the Encyclical Letter Humanis Generis, polygenism is not under discussion, as this idea does not harmonize with the explanation of original sin, which was committed by only one man. As such, they teach all the faithful that Adam and Eve are truly the only first parents of mankind, created by God, to whom He has bestowed a  soul , and that they were created without physical and spiritual defect, but with the desire to become if as their creator they sinned for disobedience and were deprived of sanctifying grace, causing all humanity to fall. According to the New Testament the remission of sins can be gained by  faith  in the death and resurrection of  Jesus Christ  to save humanity.
There are still other Christian currents  , who believe in a more literal reading of the  Bible , and therefore also believe in the actual existence of the characters  Adam and Eve , as mentioned in the creation account  .

Adam and Eve as parable;

Some   Christian theologians  or  scientists have sought to reconcile the history of Adam and Eve with the  theory of evolution . [5]
Teilhard de Chardin  was a  priest  Jesuit ,  theologian ,  philosopher  and  paleontologist  French  who managed to build an integrated vision between  science  and  theology . Through his works he has bequeathed us a  philosophy  that reconciles the  science  of the material world with the sacred forces of the divine and its  theology.Willing to dispel the misunderstanding between science and religion, he was misled by the representatives of both. Many fellow scientists have denied the scientific value of his work, accusing it of being charged with  mysticism  and language foreign to science. On the side of  the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church , in turn, he was forbidden to teach, to publish his theological works, and to be subjected to near exile in China.
"Apparently, the Modern Earth was born of an anti-religious movement. Man is self-sufficient. Reason replacing Belief. Our generation and the two precedents have almost heard of the conflict between Faith and Science. it might seem at some point that it was decidedly called upon to take its place, but as the tension goes on it is visibly in a very different form of balance - not elimination, not duality, but synthesis - that the conflict seems to be resolved. "
Father Ariel Álvarez Valdez maintains that this is a parable composed of a Hebrew catechist, whom scholars call “Yahvist”, written in the 10th century BC, who did not intend to give a scientific explanation of the origin of man, but rather provide a religious interpretation, and chose this narration in which every detail has a religious message, according to the mentality of that time [6]  .
John F. Haught , American philosopher who created the concept of  evolutionary theology , says that " Darwin's portrayal of life It is an invitation to broaden and deepen our perception of the divine. The understanding of God that many of us have acquired in our early religious formation is not large enough to incorporate contemporary evolutionary biology and cosmology. Moreover, the benign divine designer of traditional natural theology does not take into account, as Darwin himself observed, the accidents, randomness, and patent waste present in the process of life, and that "A theology of evolution by on the other hand, perceives all the disturbing features contained in the evolutionary explanation of life, ”on Richard Dawkins's ideas , Haught states that: "The criticism of theistic belief made by Dawkins can match, point by point, the fundamentalism that he is trying to eliminate" [7]  .
Ilia Delio, American theologian, argues that theology can "take advantage" of the acquisition of a science that sees the "changing" the essential core of the matter [8]  .
The  Rabbi  Nilton Bonder  argues that: "The Bible has no pretensions of being an eternal manual of science, but of consciousness His great revelation is not how the universe and reality, but how is the interaction between creature and Creator." [9]  .

Patriarchalism ;

Eve as a metaphor;

According to  Joseph Campbell,  " half of the world's population thinks that the metaphors of their religious traditions are facts. The other half say they are not facts at all. The result is that we have individuals who consider themselves faithful because they accept metaphors as facts, and others who think they are atheists because they think religious metaphors are lies . " [10] One of these great metaphors is that of Eve. Campbell points out that Christianity, originally a sect of Judaism, embraced pagan culture and history, and Adam's rib metaphor exemplifies the Hebrews' distancing from the worshiped religion among the ancients— the worship of  Mother Earth ,  Cosmic Mother  or  Mother GoddessThis cult fits into a social and religious context whose roots go back to the prehistoric Palaeolithic records   or to a shapeless phase of the world. The  archeology  prehistoric and pagan mythology record this à'Deusa mother cult of origin insofar as the remotest discoveries of a human religion back initially to the cult of the dead, and the intense cult of red or  ocher  associated with menstrual blood. In Greek mythology, the so-called  mother of all gods , the goddess  Reia  (or  Cybele , among the Romans), expresses this cult in its own  etymology :  reia  means  earth  or flow . [11]  Campbell argues that Adam was created from red clay  or  clay .
The identity of religion with Mother Earth, fertility, the origin of life and the maintenance of it with woman, would be, according to Campbell, also portrayed in the Bible:  … the holiness of the earth itself, because it is the body of Goddess. In creating, Jehovah creates man from earth, from clay, and breathes life into the body already formed. He himself is not there, present, in that form. But the Goddess is in there, just as she is out here. Each one's body is made of her body. In these mythologies there is recognition of this kind of universal identity . [12]
According to Campbell, the  patriarchalism that  emerged with the Hebrews is due, among other reasons, to the bellicose activity of grazing cattle and goats and the constant religious persecutions that triggered  nomadism  and the loss of territorial identity. [13]  Patriarchate is a word derived from the Greek  pater , and refers to a  territory  or  jurisdiction  governed by a patriarch; whence the word  motherland . Homeland is related to the concept of  country , of the Italian  paese , which in turn originates from the Latin pagus , village, from where also comes  pagan.Homeland, patriarchy and pagan have the same root.

Eve and the representation of women in Christianity;

Because Eve shared with Adam the fruit of the  forbidden tree ,  an alleged inferiority of women was justified for long years in  Christianity  and  Judaism . Mainly because, after  original sin , God said that the wife would be ruled by her husband. Although there is little information in the Bible about the life of the character Eve, it is the woman who is present in most of the dialogues in the book of Genesis about the life of the first couple of humanity.
After being expelled from Paradise, Eve shows faith and gratitude to God in the words spoken at the birth of the first and third children. Thus, when  Cain  is born, Eve says:  Receive a man from the LORD . (Genesis 4: 1 )
The words of Eve, spoken at the birth of Seth, demonstrate faith and hope, framing the woman in the role of man's helper companion, establishing a close relationship with  God .

Story of Adam and Eve in the Apocrypha;

According to the  Book of Jubilees , Adam and Eve would have spent seven years in  Paradise before being tempted by the  serpent and driven out of  Eden . And according to  The First Book of Adam and Eve , when they came out of the garden, they were commanded to dwell in a cave, which was called  The Cave of Treasures . The book says that they suffered greatly after leaving the garden, especially in the first year after their expulsion; repeatedly tried to commit  suicide  or return to  Paradise until they had their first children ( Cain ,  Abel  and their sisters - not mentioned in Bible ).
According to  The First Book of Adam and Eve , the couple would have repented bitterly and attained forgiveness; and many times they received from God the promise of a ransom, of a  redeemer  who would be born in the human seed, to redeem their seed, and these promises comforted them.
They faced the hostility of  Satan , who was trying to kill them, and deceived them into an angel of light, and told them to be a heavenly messenger charged with bringing divine messages. Even out of the garden, Adam and Eve heard the voice of God, who always sent their word to them, answering their questions. The Apocryphal  Life of Adam and Eve  and  The Second Book of Adam and Eve, say that the patriarch Adam died first than Eve, who remained alive after the death of the first man. And the book "The History of the Universe" says that the young couple were perfect in beauty and beauty.
Bar Hebraeus in his  Chronography summarizes various information about Adam and Eve, Adam was created on a  Friday , the sixth day of the month  Nisan , the first month of the first year of the world [14]  . Quoting  Anianus , which was based on the  Book of Enoch ,  Cain  was born seventy years after the expulsion from paradise,  Abel  seven (or seventy) years after Cain, Abel was killed at fifty-three and  Seven was born a hundred years later (since Adam and Eve spent one hundred years of mourning) [15]  . Quoting  Methodius , Cain and his sister  Klymia  were born thirty (or three) years after their expulsion from paradise, Abel and his sister  Labhudha  thirty years after Cain, Abel was killed when Adam was one hundred and thirty, and Seven was born when Adam was two hundred and thirty. thirty years [16]  .

Longevity of Adam and the biblical patriarchs;

According to verses 3 through 5 of chapter 5 of  Genesis , Adam was said to have been the father of  Seth  at 130 and lived 800 years begot sons and daughters. The table below gives a better idea of ​​the longevity achieved by Adam and his descendants:
Patriarchs Ages
nameage at death

age at fatherhood and age at death

Adam 130 930
It is us90905
To drink34464
Will have70205

Historicity of the Adam and Eve Narrative;

The  archeology ,  paleontology  and  anthropology , establish the appearance of  Homo sapiens  sapiens  (modern man) from other species of  hominid , about 160,000 years, a period  geological  very recent, from  Africa , in the Valley of Omo, in southwestern  Ethiopia . According to  evolutionists, the  biological evolution  of the human species would be the result of adapting  Homo erectus  (the ancestor of modern man) to the environment in which it lived. Since then,  Homo sapiens would have evolved, multiplying more and more, becoming the dominant species of the planets.

Animals Nature and children are our responsibility we will take care with love and affection

Source; Know your angel; EDT; New Cultural.
Source; Psalms and Angels; EDT High Astral.
Source; Kabbalistic angels; EDT Company of Angels.
Talk to me;  jacintavs1@gmail.com

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