Mission; Protects the sciences and harmony between people. It adds to the personality qualities such as description, sympathy, affection, perception and traditionalism. Corresponding planet; Venus. Time your angel visits the earth; 8:00 pm - 8:19 pm Psalm; 112. lucky number; 9. Day of the week; Friday. Name of the angel in Hebrew letters; ford / mem / aleph / lamed. Angel Name in numbers; 6/13/2/1 / 12. The car. Month of change provides for your professional / personal life. He has dominion over the former Bé Thuliens. This angel helps to get a person's friendship. It favors the studies of astrology, psychology and esotericism, strongly influencing people to specialize and excel in research in these areas. Those born under this influence will love travel and honest pleasure. It will be very loving and sensitive. He is aware of the right way of acting and his intelligence is at the service of the Angelic power. Introvert and affectionate, does not adapt to sudden changes. Traditionalist, they remain faithful and attached to the values imparted and teachings by parents. Endowed with a lot of intuition, he is open to things around him, although he doesn't get involved. To feel good in a social or work position, you must believe as if you were a religion; needs ideological support. Dislikes aggressive or indecisive people. Extremely patient, he is able to endure everything for the loved one or family member. When it receives no affection, it prefers isolation. Your life force is manifested in parenthood. Stable, seeks to establish in people an "Affiliate" image. He will be esteemed for his balance, sweetness, kindness, and affection. It is not interested in changing the situation of a group or social class by investing all its energies in close people or in a specific case. He will organize his life according to his conscience, freely manifested through good deeds and companionship.
![Photo of National Shrine Our Lady Aparecida](http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/02/4c/e7/9f/filename-basilica-jpg.jpg)
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![Our Lady Aparecida Our Lady Aparecida](http://www.cruzterrasanta.com.br/_upload/imagens-landing_page/nossa-senhora-aparecidajpg8272012170329.jpg)
Our Lady Aparecida , is the way Our Lady is affectionately called in Brazil, country of which she is patron. She is revered in a statue of Our Lady of the Conception, dressed in a blue cloak all adorned. It is exhibited in the Basilica of Our Lady Aparecida, in Aparecida, interior of the state of São Paulo. The party in his honor is celebrated on October 12th, also Children's Day. This day has been a holiday for Brazilians since 1980, when the basilica was consecrated by John Paul II on his first visit to Brazil. The Aparecida Basilica is the second largest in the world, the fourth most visited Marian church in the world, with an incredible capacity for 45,000 pilgrims.
History of Our Lady Appeared
The facts were first recorded by priests José Alves Vilela in 1743 and João de Morais and Aguiar in 1757. These records were made in the books of the Parish of Santo Antonio de Guaratinguetá , to which the region where the image was found belonged. The image appeared in October 1717. And the facts happened like this:Dom Pedro de Almeida, governor of the captaincy of São Paulo and Minas de Ouro, a man who also held the title of Count of Assumar, passed through Guaratinguetá, SP, while traveling to Vila Rica, MG. The population organized a party to receive the Count of Assumar. To prepare the food, fishermen went to the Paraíba River with the difficult mission of getting many fish for the governor's retinue, even though it was not fishing time. Domingos Garcia, Filipe Pedroso and João Alves, feeling the weight of their responsibility, prayed for the help of the Mother of God. After trying several times without success, at Porto Itaguaçu, already giving up fishing, João Alves launched the net again. Did not catch any fish, but caught the image of Our Lady of Conception. But missing the head. Thrilled, he launched the net again and this time took the head that fit perfectly into the small image. This fact alone was a great miracle. But after this finding, they caught so many fish that they had to return to port for fear of the canoe turning. The fishermen came to Guaratinguetá euphoric and thrilled with what they witnessed and the whole population understood the fact as divine intervention. Thus happened the first of many miracles by the action of Our Lady Aparecida.
Devotion to Our Lady Aparecida
The image stayed at Filipe Pedroso's house for 15 years. There, friends and neighbors met to pray to Our Lady of Conception. Thanks and more thanks began to happen and the story spread throughout Brazil. Several times at night, as they prayed at the image, people saw that the lights went out and then mysteriously came on. Then all the people of the neighborhood began to pray at the foot of the image. They built a small oratory in Itaguaçu, which in a short time no longer held the large number of believers who were going there.First Chapel
The vicar of the city of Guaratinguetá decided to build a chapel on the Coqueiros hill. The works were completed in July 1745. The son of Filipe Pedroso helped build this chapel. On April 20, 1822, Emperor Dom Pedro I, together with a large entourage, paid a visit to the chapel to honor the miraculous image of the Lady of Aparecida, as she is also known.The number of people and pilgrims who visited the image increased every day. That is why, in 1834, they began the work of the church that is known today as the Old Basilica. It was much larger than the chapel and was consecrated on December 8, 1888.
Crown and Cloak of Our Lady Aparecida
On her second visit to the basilica on November 6, 1888, Princess Isabel offered the saint a beautiful crown made of gold, adorned with rubies and diamonds. It was the fulfillment of the promise made 20 years earlier on the first visit to the image.Redemptorist Missionaries
The Redemptorist Missionaries, a congregation of Italian origin, arrived in Aparecida in October 1894. They were priests, religious and brothers dedicated to the work of attending all the pilgrims who came to pray and fulfill their promises to Our Lady Aparecida.Crowning and Favors
The image was solemnly crowned - with the crown that Princess Isabel donated - on September 8, 1904. The image was then presented with the indigo blue cloak, embroidered with gold and precious stones. The celebration was presided by Monsignor José Camargo Barros. Present were the Apostolic Nuncio, several bishops, Mr. Rodrigues Alves, then President of the Republic, and a large crowd. After this fact, the Holy Father gave the Aparecida Shrine other favors: Our Lady Aparecida's Office and Mass and indulgences for pilgrims on pilgrimage to the Shrine.THE BASILICA AND THE CITY
On April 29, 1908, the church was renamed the Basilica Minor and was consecrated on September 5, 1909. For the solemnity, Pope Pius X sent relics of St. Vincent Martyr from Rome. On December 17, 1928, the village that had grown up around the Basilica and which belonged to the municipality of Guaratinguetá becomes independent, becoming the municipality of Aparecida do Norte. Today, the city is called Aparecida.Our Lady Aparecida, Queen and Patroness of Brazil
The Pope Pius XI decreed Our Lady of Aparecida as Queen and Patroness of Brazil on 16 July 1930. The Federal Law No. 6802 (30.06.1980) officially decreed on October 12 as a national holiday, devotion Day to the saint. This Federal Law also recognizes Maria as the protector of Brazil.Golden rose
In 1967, on the 250th Feast of Devotion, Pope Paul VI offered the Shrine the Golden Rose, a gesture repeated by Pope Benedict XVI, who offered another Rose in 2007, on the occasion of his Apostolic Journey to the country, recognizing the importance of devotion to Our Lady Aparecida and the Shrine of Aparecida to Brazil.New basilica
The Aparecida phenomenon is impressive. The number of pilgrims grows, grows, grows. Thousands of graces and miracles are reported year after year. For this reason, a new, much larger basilica began to be built in 1955 to accommodate the numerous flow of pilgrims from all over the country. Benedito Calixto, the architect responsible for the work, devised a building in the shape of the Greek cross. The church is 168m wide by 173m long. Its ships reach 40m in height and the central dome reaches 70m in height. It is an impressive work. On July 4, 1980, in a solemn Eucharistic celebration conducted by Pope John Paul II, the Basilica of Our Lady of Aparecida was finally consecrated. The sanctuary of Aparecida is the largest basilica in the world dedicated to the Mary Mother of God.Prayer to Our Lady Aparecida
O incomparable Lady of Conception Aparecida. Mother of my God, Queen of Angels, Advocate of sinners, Refuge and Consolation of the afflicted and afflicted, O Blessed Virgin; full of power and kindness, cast us a favorable look upon us, that we may be helped in every need.Remember, most gracious Mother Aparecida, that it is not apparent that all who have appealed to you, called upon your most holy name and begged your unique protection, should be forsaken by you.
Excited with this trust, I turn to you today: I take you forever today from my Mother, my protector, my consolation and guidance, my hope and my light in the hour of death.
So, Lady, deliver me from all that may offend you and your Son, my Redeemer and Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed Virgin, preserve this unworthy servant of yours, this house and its inhabitants, from plague, famine, war, lightning, storms and other dangers and evils that may plague us. Sovereign Lady, deign to address us in all spiritual and temporal affairs; Deliver us from the temptation of the devil, that by treading the path of virtue through the merits of your most pure Virginity and the most precious Blood of your Son, we may see, love, and enjoy you in everlasting glory for ever and ever. Amen.
> Check out the medals of Our Lady Aparecida
Source; Know your angel; EDT New Cultural.
Source; Psalms and Angels; EDT; High Astral.
Source; Kabbalistic angels; EDT; Company of Angels.
Talk to me; jacintavs1@gmail.com
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