Mission; It favors those who teach, judge or research. Provides Qualities of candor, reserve, emotion, affection, peaceful spirit, prudence, courage, and perseverance; Corresponding planet; Saturn. Time your Angel visits the earth; 5:20 pm to 5:39 pm Psalm; 118. lucky number; 2. Day of the week; Saturday. Name of the angel in Hebrew letters; noun / noun / aleph / lamed. Angel Name in numbers; 14/14/1/1 / 12. Tarot card; The boyfriends. Month of favorable change in your personal / professional life. June. Has command over the Maltese language. This Angel protects the high sciences. It influences the ecclesiastics, the teachers, the magistrates and the men who work with laws. Who is born under this influence will be distinguished by knowing the abstract sciences, will love quiet life, peace meditation and listening to classical music. Its light transcends and through it one sees its innocence. May have a religious vocation or to know metaphysical subjects. Trustworthy, he never commits reckless or thoughtless action. Likes solid relationships and is a friend everyone wants to have. Endowed with great affection, lives for love and everything that is beautiful moves him. Being a traditionalist, he attaches great importance to marriage and children. Usually more passionate than active, he knows how to control his instincts without repressing them. Your intelligence develops more by experience than by studies. He lives by love, and everything beautiful moves him. Being a traditionalist, he attaches great importance to marriage and children. Usually more passionate than active, he knows how to control his instincts without repressing them. Your intelligence develops more by experience than by studies. He lives by love, and everything beautiful moves him. Being a traditionalist, he attaches great importance to marriage and children. Usually more passionate than active, he knows how to control his instincts without repressing them. Your intelligence develops more by experience than by studies.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
A Seraphim is, according to
Angelology , an angel of six wings.
It is commonly accepted as the first position in the heavenly hierarchy of angels , those closest to God . The Hebrew word Saraf (שרף) means "to burn" or "to burn", perhaps an allusion to biblical traditions where God is compared to a "fire" or even a "consuming fire". The biblical reference to "seraphim" is in Isaiah 6: 1-2.
There are only two verses in the Bible talking about the seraphim: Isaiah 6: 2, 6. The seraphim are described as follows: “each had six wings: two covered his face, two covered his feet, and two flew” . Like cherubim, seraphim are always linked to the glorification of God's majesty and grandeur.
There is also the thesis that seraphim would not be angels, since the Hebrew word for angel is " malak " (messenger) and likewise in Greek , angel is " angelus " (messenger) and that these winged figures would appear in Bible only in Isaiah chapter 6 where they exalt God but would not communicate messages to the prophet. However, a reading of the same text overturns this thesis, highlighting the communication of a seraphim with the prophet when he had acknowledged his impurity and feared to die consumed after having the vision of God: "Then one of the seraphim flew to me, bringing in his hand a live coal, which he had taken with a tongs from the altar: with the coal he touched my mouth, and said, Behold, she has touched thy lips: thy iniquity is taken away, and thy sin is forgiven. [1]
The word seraphim has been translated in various ways: "ardent serpent" or "flying ardent asp" while other translators choose "exalted or noble beings" [2]
- Jump up ↑ Holy Bible; Isaiah Chapter 6, verses 6 and 7 ARA 2.ed.
- Jump up ↑ The New Bible Commentary, Volume II, F. Davidson, New Life Issues.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Angel (from the Latin angelus and the Greek aggelos (ἄγγελος), messenger), according to the Judeo-Christian tradition , the most widespread in the West, according to biblical accounts, are spiritual creatures, preserves of God as men (Revelation 19:10), who serve as God's helpers or messengers .
Biblical accounts and Christian hagiography tell us that angels were often the authors of miraculous phenomena , and the current belief in this tradition is that one of their missions is to help humanity in its process of approaching God.
Angels are still important figures in many other past and present religious traditions, and the name "angel" is often indistinctly given to all classes of heavenly beings. The Muslims , Zoroastrians , spiritualists , Hindus and Buddhists , all accept as fact their existence by giving them different names, but are sometimes described as having different characteristics and functions of those identified by the Judeo-Christian tradition, the same presenting contradictions and inconsistencies according to the various authors who dealt with this theme. The SpiritualismHe makes a description very similar to the Judeo-Christian, considering them perfect beings who act as messengers of the higher planes, without, however, attempting to ascribe form or appearance to such beings: it would be merely a vision of their moral forms. The difference of the spiritist view is made only by the reasoning that God, being sovereignly just and good (attributes that follow his perfection, that is, God does not need to evolve, is already and always was perfect and unchanging), would not have created them. perfect, for that would be to credit God with the ability to be unjust in the face of men's need for successive experimentation to perfect themselves. Spiritism presents the view that such angelic beings, regardless of their heavenly hierarchies, are at this evolutionary point in their own right, they are sanctified spirits and free from the interference of matter by their own choices in the evolutionary and self-renouncing sense over time, and it is also possible for today's still very materialized men to attain through their moral and intellectual efforts in the multiple reincarnations, such points of perfection. (Heaven and Hell, Allan Kardec, 1865). InsideEsoteric Christianity and Kabbalah , are called angels to spirits in a degree of evolution immediately superior to that of man and immediately inferior to that of archangels . To Muslims some angels are good, others bad, and other classes have ambiguous traits. In Hinduism and Buddhism they are described as self-luminous beings, owners of various powers, some of whom are dense and able to eat and drink. Already the TheosophistsThey claim that there are innumerable classes of angels, with varied functions, aspects and attributes, from tiny microscopic creatures to colossal planetary dimensions, responsible for maintaining a multitude of natural processes. Moreover, popular culture in many countries of the world has given rise to copious folklore about angels, which often departs far from the description held by the institutionalized creeds of these regions.
We must respect animals, children and nature Source; Know your angel; EDT New Cultural.Source; Kabbalah Angels; EDT Company of Angels.Source; Psalms and Angels; EDT High Astral.Talk to me; jacintavs1@gmail.com
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