sábado, 26 de outubro de 2019

Anjo do dia 26/10- Jeliel- 07/01- 21/03- 02/06- 14/08-

Mission; It is what you bring from other lives;

Mission; Helps resolve immediate issues and injustices. It gives its protected sense of honor, sincerity, persistence, physical endurance and great mental power. Corresponding planet; Jupiter. Time of visit your angel makes on earth; 00h20 to 00h39. Psalm; 21. lucky number; 8. Day of the week; Tuesday. Color; blue. Day of the week; Tuesday. Element; fire. Stone; Sodalite Mantra "Lord, do not get away from me! Come quickly to help me! Angel Name in Hebrew; yod / lamed / yod / aleph / lamed. Angel Name in Numbers; 10/12/12/12 1/12". The hermit The month of favorable change in his professional and personal life This angel has dominion over Turkey This angel is invoked to calm popular uprisings, gain cause against the people who attack us in court and to restore marital happiness, bringing peace between the spouses. This angel has mastery over bosses and employees, helping to maintain harmony. Those born under this influence like to do everything quickly. And as a child you don't have the patience to listen to the teachers, because it seems to you that the information is already in your head. He has since childhood intuition for what is right or wrong. At heart, she believes she is not on earth by chance, and knows that her family is Karmic, so she feels a certain obligation to help her. Extremely loving, it exalts truth and universal brotherly love. Their emotions are so strong that they are experienced together by the Angel. Never be negatively influenced and have sobriety to dominate any kind of situation. He is the bearer of peace where there is conflict, defends the truth and hates violence. Loves animals, loves flowers, forests and all of nature. Probably has the name or surname of some Catholic saint and has a "sanctified" protection. People consider him "magical" because of the good mood with which he solves the most varied situations, always doing very well. He is vain, likes to beautify himself, wear expensive perfumes and always be fashionable.

Dona Jacinta my name is Telma, I live in Fortaleza and I am her follower. I visit your blog daily. I am married and have 6 (wonderful) children I still have my parents alive! What I find very coincidental is that my six children, my husband and I, have as Guardian Angels belonging to the Seraphim Hosts! When you can please post something about them, I will print the material and give it away as you allow us to do so. I think it will be a great Christmas present, because I will put in a frame,

"- I must thank you for your visits to the blog, and as I have always been saying coincidence does not exist. They are the Divine designs. Below I am publishing an undeniable text about this host. Always return with your requests that I will always be waiting for you. 

Seraphim Origin;


Vision  San Francisco  a seraph (fresco attributed to  Giotto )
A  Seraphim  is, according to  Angelology , a six-winged angel.
It is commonly accepted as the first position in the heavenly hierarchy of  angels , those closest to  God . The word  Hebrew  Saraf  (שרף) means "burn" or "burn," perhaps an allusion to the biblical traditions where God is compared to a "fire" or even a "consuming fire." The biblical reference   to "seraphim" is in Isaiah 6: 1-2.
There are only two verses in the Bible talking about the seraphim: Isaiah 6: 2, 6. The seraphim are described as follows: “each had six wings: two covered his face, two covered his feet, and two flew” . Like cherubim, seraphim are always linked to the glorification of God's majesty and grandeur.
There is also the thesis that seraphim would not be angels, since the Hebrew word for angel is " malak " (messenger) and likewise in  Greek , angel is " angelus " (messenger) and that these winged figures would appear in Bible only in  Isaiah  chapter 6 where they exalt God but would not communicate messages to the  prophetHowever, a reading of that same text brings down this thesis, evidencing the communication of a seraphim with the prophet, when he had acknowledged his impurity and feared to die consumed, after having the vision of God: "Then one of the seraphim flew to me, bringing In his hand a live coal, which he had taken from the altar with a tongs: with the coal he touched my mouth, and said, Behold, she has touched thy lips: thy iniquity is taken away, and thy sin is forgiven. [1]
The word  seraphim has  been translated in various ways:  "burning serpent"  or  "flying burning serpent "  while other translators choose "exalted or noble beings"  [2]


  1. Jump up  ↑  Holy Bible; Isaiah Chapter 6, verses 6 and 7 ARA 2.ed.
  2. Jump up  ↑  The New Bible Commentary, Volume II, F. Davidson, New Life Issues.
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Source; Wikipedia is the free encyclopedia.

Source; Know your angel; EDT New cultural.
Source; Psalms and angels; EDT High mood.
Talk to me; jacintavs1@gmail.com

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