Angel of the day 06/10-Mebahiah- Immortal God- 13 / 05- 25 / 07- 18 / 12- 01 / 03-
"- Answering the questions of the Catechism of the Peace Church from the great mercy square of Rio Grande Sul. -" In the Old Testament there is an experience of Saul tempted by evil spirits, (1 Sam 16; 14.). I selected an article that I find very enlightening on this subject, which you asked me.
Taking the opportunity I want to thank the lit yesterday, (05/10) that was Record, since the blog is in the air. Thank you very much, and that encourages me to continue writing my stories, my work is lonely, but when I see the hits I realize I'm not alone.
Taking the opportunity I want to thank the lit yesterday, (05/10) that was Record, since the blog is in the air. Thank you very much, and that encourages me to continue writing my stories, my work is lonely, but when I see the hits I realize I'm not alone.
Text: 1 Samuel 10: 6
(5) Then thou shalt come to the hill of God, where is the garrison of the Philistines; As you enter the city, you will find a group of prophets descending from above, preceded by psalters, drums, flutes, and harps, and they prophesying.
And the Spirit of the Lord shall take hold of you, and you shall prophesy with them, and you shall be made a new man . (7) When these signs come to you, do what you find your hand to do, for God is with you.
Chapter 9 of 1 Samuel introduces us to young Saul, the Benjamite son of Kish, as a very handsome youth: “so handsome that among the children of Israel there was no other man more beautiful than he” (v. 2). The biblical text explains that two asses of Saul's father had been lost and that his father instructed him to find them. Saul was about to give up, after exhausting three days of searching, when the boy who accompanied him suggested that they seek “a man of God”: “Behold, there is a man of God in this city, and an honorable man is; everything you say happens so unfailingly. Let us now go there, and he will show us the way we should go ”(v. 6).
This description that the young man accompanying Saul gave of the "man of God," Samuel, is tremendous. My God, how much difference it makes in a city, in a country, the life of a man of God!
Verse 15 of this chapter tells us that God had warned Samuel the day before Saul's arrival and prepared the prophet for what would happen. As soon as Saul came before Samuel, the Lord said to him, "Behold, the man of whom I have told you ..." (v. 17). And when Saul said nothing, the prophet reassured him that the asses had been found. In verse 20 Samuel speaks words that seemed absurd to Saul: “But to whom is all that is desirable in Israel? Is it not for you, and for all your father's house? God intended to make Saul the king of all Israel!
God has plans for your life, too. Maybe things you can't even imagine: “For I know the plans that I am designing for you, saith the Lord; peace plans, not evil, to give you a future and a hope ”(Jer. 29:11). For God's plans to come true, you must submit your will to God's.
The Lord truly had great plans for Saul. This was confirmed in the anointing and words that Samuel said to Saul in chapter 10: 1 "Did not the Lord anoint you to be prince over his inheritance?"
Hearing the great words of the prophet, Saul said: “Am I not the son of Benjamin, one of the least of the tribes of Israel? And my family the smallest of all the families of the tribe of Benjamin? Why do you speak to me with such words? In other words, Saul couldn't believe those words were for him because he felt small.
It turns out that humility is necessary for dependence on God. Without this dependence God's great plans do not materialize in us. Thus, the Bible teaches the humble dependence on God's power: “God resists the proud; but give grace to the humble ”(Jas 4: 6) and“… gird yourselves with humility toward one another, for God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble ”(I Pet 5: 5).
In chapter 10, verse 22, we have the narrative of an unusual fact: When everything was prepared for Saul to be presented by Samuel as the chosen one to rule over Israel, behold, no one found him. It was the Lord who revealed to Samuel where Saul had hidden: in the midst of the luggage!
b) God's purposes are fulfilled in those who believe
Like humility, trust is crucial for us to live God's purposes. The Lord had to deal with the difficulty Saul had to trust, and for that he gave him signs. Our God has this good will toward His servants: He helps us to believe. Remember the father of the demon-possessed boy of Mark 9:24 who, crying out in tears, asked Jesus, "Help me in my unbelief."
God intended to give signs for Saul to believe: a) He would meet two men at Rachel's tomb who would tell him about the finding of the donkeys and his father's concern for the whereabouts of his son; b) He would find in Tabor Oak three men traveling to Bethel, one of whom would carry three kids, another three loaves of bread and another a skin of wine. They would greet him and give him two loaves; c) He would come to a city and come across a group of prophets, and come across musicians with these prophets. There the Holy Spirit would take hold of him and give him the ability to prophesy.
We could cite several other examples in the Word, similar to Saul's. I mention Gideon who, called by God to a great work, also felt unable. God gave the tests that Gideon asked to believe: 1 o . that the flesh which he brought before the Lord should be consumed (Judges 6:17, 21); 2 a . let the fleece of wool get wet and the surrounding land dry (Judg 6:37); 3 a . let only the fleece be dry, and all the earth round about wet (Judg 6:39).
The difference with these men who have lived God's great purposes is that once they have overcome the difficulties of believing, they truly trust. In chapter 10:26 and 27 we have the information that some of the people, called "sons of Belial" despised Saul and did not accept him as king, but "he made himself deaf."
The Spirit of God would do a great work in Saul. This was the promise Samuel made to him: “And the Spirit of the Lord shall take hold of thee, and thou shalt prophesy with them, and shalt be changed into another man” (I Sam. 10: 6). In the same chapter, in verses 9 and 10, we have the information that "God changed Saul's heart into another." This is precisely what the Holy Spirit wants to do in our lives, to change our hearts, to be able to live God's plans.
The changes the Spirit made in Saul were just beginning, but verse 11 reports the comments of the people who saw the young Benjamite among the prophets: “What happened to the son of Kish? Is Saul also among the prophets?
In chapter 11 of 1 Samuel we have the account of the young king leading a group of 330,000 men from Israel against the Ammonites who rose against the Israelites of Jabesh-gielad (the Ammonites proposed that all the men of Jabesh pull their right eye out and give them a right eye). 7 days deadline!). Saul led his people to victory and verse 6 adds: "Then the Spirit of God came upon Saul ...".
It is the Holy Spirit of God who makes all the difference in our lives and enables us to live the purposes the Lord has for us. While Saul lived in dependence on the Spirit, his life was blessed. Everything changed when he put himself in rebellion and disobedience years later.
Notice what Jesus said in John 14:12 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these; because I go to the Father. ” See that Jesus was very clear about what could happen in the lives of those who believe in Him: doing what He did and even greater things!
And what is the secret for this promise of Jesus to be fulfilled? The Holy Spirit It is about the Holy Spirit that the Lord speaks following this same chapter of John: “And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Helper, that he may abide with you forever, namely, the Spirit of Truth, which the world cannot receive; because he does not see or know him; but you know him, because he dwells with you, and he will be in you. ”
Paulo Rogério Petrizi.
Source; Know your angel; EDT New Cultural.
Source; Kabbalistic angels; EDT; Company of Angels
Source; Psalms and Angels; EDT High Astral.
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