Mission: It's what you bring back from other lives.
Mission; Emits sublime vibrations of Divine nature. It imprints qualities such as strong intuition, premonitory gifts, spirit of conciliation, artistic gifts and strengthens humility. Corresponding planet; Moon. Time of visit your Angel makes on earth; 4:40 pm to 4:59 pm Psalm; 103. lucky number; 1 day of the week; Monday. Name of the Angel in Hebrew letters- he / he / shin / yod / he. Angel Name in numbers; 5/5/21 / 10/5. Tarot card. The wheel of fortune. Month of change provides for your personal / professional side. October. Exercise dominion over the Barsiens 11. This angel helps raise the soul to God, contemplate Divine things, and discover all mysteries through consciousness and intelligence. Those born under this influence will love all the sciences and will take a special interest in knowing the properties and attributes of animals, vegetables and minerals. You will be pure, creative, leading your life in harmony through the enormous light of protection in your heart. Studious, he will learn the ways using his keen intuition, understanding the Divine order in human structures. Magician, great priest of the esoteric sciences, where he will obtain prestige and authority to give courses or lectures. It works to find peace between people. You know that when you are having a hard time, this is nothing more than a means of gaining access to the inner and outer divinity. It has simple tastes, nature lover, is always attentive to small details with; romanticism, painting, music, perfumes. The fascination of his poetic side flows simply. A letter or drawing of a simple heart could already be the sublime manifestation of its Guardian Angel. You will have many revelations by first initiating your spiritual readings. The "Temple of the Mysteries" itself will be your conscience, your priest, thus building the realization of God's truth on earth.
"- Dona Jacinta, I have no specific doubt to take, but a personal curiosity, I see that you publish several articles with different themes, which I attribute to be respective to various religions. I have read the Spiritist, Catholic, Evangelical, Jewish. etc. Which religion do you belong to? I live in Gávea (Rio de Janeiro) I am a psychologist of a construction company.I'm 62 years old and I don't have a specific religion.
Charity and kindness and respect is the main motto. As I began my learning about Angels, I realized that really all religions belong to Almighty God, and we cannot identify how my religion is right, or that of the other is wrong. Our God is unique and creator of everything. Whether I have to go to a Buddhist temple or a spiritual center in a synagogue today makes no difference to my inner self, because I am going to visit God's house. As a good example, on September 12th I was godmother of a wedding that the grooms are evangelical, I attended the ceremony and I felt very comfortable and happy, finding the celebration very beautiful and moving. I will continue like this, because I feel better, and I affirm that where the Holy Spirit manifests itself and I am aware I will publish. All religions on the planet believe that Angels are the Divine Postmen. and that keepeth us, therefore we are all children of God. And He will always hear our pleas, regardless of what religion we belong to.
Talk to me; jacintavs1@gmail.com
"- Dona Jacinta, I have no specific doubt to take, but a personal curiosity, I see that you publish several articles with different themes, which I attribute to be respective to various religions. I have read the Spiritist, Catholic, Evangelical, Jewish. etc. Which religion do you belong to? I live in Gávea (Rio de Janeiro) I am a psychologist of a construction company.I'm 62 years old and I don't have a specific religion.
Charity and kindness and respect is the main motto. As I began my learning about Angels, I realized that really all religions belong to Almighty God, and we cannot identify how my religion is right, or that of the other is wrong. Our God is unique and creator of everything. Whether I have to go to a Buddhist temple or a spiritual center in a synagogue today makes no difference to my inner self, because I am going to visit God's house. As a good example, on September 12th I was godmother of a wedding that the grooms are evangelical, I attended the ceremony and I felt very comfortable and happy, finding the celebration very beautiful and moving. I will continue like this, because I feel better, and I affirm that where the Holy Spirit manifests itself and I am aware I will publish. All religions on the planet believe that Angels are the Divine Postmen. and that keepeth us, therefore we are all children of God. And He will always hear our pleas, regardless of what religion we belong to.
The angels in other traditions .
Judaism .
Angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ, malach, "messenger") is an often spiritual being who serves as the transmitting link between man and the Creator. Its existence is denoted in various passages of the Hebrew Bible and in various texts of rabbinic literature and Jewish folklore . Some angels are cited by name, even mentioned in excerpts from the religious liturgy, and also serve as protectors of the humanities and individuals. They are intelligent but bound and dependent on Divine power, who can take on various kinds of tasks, which in human eyes can be good or bad.
Buddhism and Hinduism .
The Buddhism and Hinduism describe angels or gods , as they call them, similarly to other Western religions. Its name derives from the Sanskrit root div , which means "to shine," and its name then means the "shining beings" or "self-luminaries." Some are said to eat and drink, and may construct illusory forms so that they may manifest themselves on different planes of existence than their own. Buddhism establishes a fairly complete categorization for its devas, largely inherited from the Hindu tradition.
Islam .
The angelology Islamic is largely indebted to the traditions of Zoroastrianism , Judaism and early Christianity , and divides the angels into two main parties, the good, faithful to God, and the wicked, whose chief is Iblis or Ash-Shaytan , deprived of grace divine for refusing to pay homage to Adam.
On the other hand, there is also a hierarchical categorization in Islam. First are the four Thrones of God, in the form of lion, bull, eagle, and man. Then come the cherub, and then the four archangels: Jibril or Jabra'il , the revelator, intermediary between God and the prophets, and constant helper of Muhammad ; Mikal or Mika'il , the provider, quoted only once in the Koran (2:98) and who, according to tradition, was so horrified at the sight of hell when it was created that it could never speak again; Izrail, the angel of death, an astonishing creature of cosmic dimensions, four thousand wings, and a body made up of as many eyes and tongues as are the people of the earth, who stand with one foot in the seventh heaven and the other on the border between paradise and heaven. hell; and Israfil , the angel of judgment, who shall blow the trumpet at the Last Judgment ; It has a body full of hair and made of innumerable tongues and mouths, four wings, and a stature from the throne of God to the seventh heaven. [14] Finally, the other angels. As a class apart are geniuses , or djins , who have many human characteristics, such as the ability to feed, propagate, and die, and whose character is ambiguous.
The Spiritualism He makes a description very similar to the Judeo-Christian, considering them perfect beings who act as messengers of the higher planes, without, however, attempting to ascribe form or appearance to such beings: it would be merely a vision of their moral forms. The difference of the spiritist view is made only by the reasoning that God, being sovereignly just and good (attributes that follow his perfection, that is, God does not need to evolve, is already and always was perfect and unchanging), would not have created them. perfect, for that would be to credit God with the ability to be unjust in the face of men's need for successive experimentation to perfect themselves. Spiritism presents the view that such angelic beings, regardless of their heavenly hierarchies, are at this evolutionary point in their own right,
According to Allan Kardec , angels would be the high spirits of superior kindness who are protectors of the needy and messengers of love. They would therefore be those who carry messages from the incorporeal world. For this reason they would be called angels, a word meaning messengers, which appear countless times in the sacred texts of Judeo-Christian religions, indicating the communicability between the living and the dead. Still according to Spiritism, angels, in their most commonly known and accepted conception - perfect creatures, in the direct service of God - would be the spirits who have already attained the perfection attainable by creatures. In doing so, they would devote their existence to enforcing God's will in Creation by being able to fully understand it.
However, the soul, like a child, is inexperienced in the early stages of existence, hence the fallible being. God does not give you this experience, but gives you the means to acquire it. Thus a misstep on the path of evil is a delay for the soul, which, suffering its consequences, learns at its expense what is important to avoid. In this way, little by little, it develops, perfects and advances in the spiritual hierarchy to the state of pure Spirit or angel. The angels are, therefore, the souls of men who have reached the degree of perfection that the creature has, enjoying the promised happiness in its fullness. But before they reach the supreme degree, they enjoy happiness relative to their advancement, a happiness that consists, not in idleness, but in the functions which God is pleased to entrust to them, and for whose performance they feel happy, yet having a means in it. of progress.
For all eternity there have been pure spirits or angels; but, as their human existence took place in an infinite past, behold, we suppose that they have always been angels of all time. Thus the great law of unity of Creation is realized; God was never inactive and always had pure, tried and enlightened spirits to transmit His orders and direction of the universe, from the rule of the worlds to the smallest details. Nor did God need to create privileged beings, free from obligations; all, old and new, acquired their positions in the struggle and on their own merit; all, at last, are children of their works.
Theosophy .
The Theosophy admits the existence of angelic beings, and several classes of them, although there are relatively few studies in this field that deeply systematize, of which the Charles Leadbeater and especially Geoffrey Hodson are the richest and interesting sources.
Charles Leadbeater says that as one of the many kingdoms of divine creation, the angelic kingdom is also, like the others, subject to evolution , and that there are great differences in power, wisdom, love, and intelligence among its members. For the same reason, their being an independent kingdom with their own interests and goals says that angels do not exist primarily because of men and their problems, as popular culture says, although they assist them in a variety of ways, as for example in the ministry of the sacraments of the churches, the spiritual and bodily healing of human beings, and their inspiration, encouragement, protection, and instruction. Even though the angelic realm as a whole is involved in many non-human tasks, Leadbeater states in The Science of the Sacraments that there is a class of them especially associated with human beings, that of the guardian angels , is actually a kind of sylph , to which a person is entrusted at the time of his baptism , and who through his service attain individualization, making up seraphim. ]
Angels are described by Hodson as having a completely different attitude toward God, not conceiving of an individual personalized existence, but rather a central and at once diffuse and omnipresent consciousness from which their own consciousness derives and from which they are. inextricably linked. They feel united with this consciousness and it is not possible for them, precisely because of this unity, to experience selfishness , separateness, desire , possessiveness, hatred , fear , revolt or bitterness. Although they are essentially loving beings, their love is impersonal, and extremely close associations with any individual are extremely rare. In his studies Hudson divides them into four main types, associated with four elements of ancient philosophy: earth, water, fire and air.
Hudson also makes an association of angels with the Sephardic Tree , derived from the Kabbalistic tradition , defining ten orders. It states that one aspect of the Logos is of an angelic nature and adds that to the angelic realm belong the so-called nature spirits . Many of these classes are involved in basic natural processes such as cell formation and mineral crystallization and are thus microscopic in size, constituting the first steps of their long evolution towards planetary angels and even grander forms such as the great solar archangels of stature. truly colossal, so that they can be perceived from points near the outer end of the solar system. Other types are the sylphs, salamanders , fairies , dryads , undines and the varied nature spirits known since antiquity in various cultures. Their descriptions give a vivid idea of the importance of these beings in maintaining cosmic order and manifesting the universe from its unfathomable origin to physical forms, through all the intermediate steps. In his book The Kingdom of the Gods offers a series of illustrations of the appearance of the various types of angels, differing radically from the traditional angelic representations of Western culture, and says that both angel and man derive their forms from the same archetype .
In literature .
Little space was occupied by the angel in modernity, surviving in literature through youth worship. However, it lost its original meaning and took on another: a romantic being who was often "cursed" when falling in love with a human, the most recent stories are from the " Fallen " books (with rights purchased by Disney) which is the first volume of the saga composed by Storm, Passion and Rapture. Also famous is the saga "Hush Hush", composed of Whispering, Crescendo and Silence. "Halo" is about a love that surpasses the barriers of heaven and hell. "The saga" The Mortal Instruments "also has the theme of seraphim, and their descendants on earth, Shadowhunters, who protect humans from Devils.
Source; Know your angel; EDT New Cultural.
Source; Wikipedia free encyclopedia.Talk to me; jacintavs1@gmail.com
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