Mission: It's what you bring back from other lives.
Mission; It defends against dangers and through judicial questions. It impresses qualities such as the adventurous spirit, an inquisitive mind, kindness, sociability and a good degree of adaptation. Corresponding planet; Mercury. Time of visit your angel makes on earth; 2:20 pm to 2:39 pm Psalm; 118. lucky number; 7. Day of the week; Tuesday. Name of the angel in Hebrew letters; yod / lamed / he / yod / he. Angel Number in numbers; 10/12/5/10 / 5. Tarot card. The lovers. Month of change provides for your professional / personal life. June. It exercises domain under Mexico. This Angel assists in winning cases and obtaining protection from judges. Protects against the dangers of melee or fire weapons and assaults. Those born under this influence will love travel, will be educated, and all their endeavors will succeed. He will be celebrated for the deeds and glories attained by talent and courage. He will strive to keep traditions alive and to keep memories of dear things. Traveler and researchers of historical facts, will clarify any doubts or coincidences of this life, through recollections of his previous incarnations. It will promote cultural images that offer people, in addition to natural beauty, also historical content, to enrich them in their wisdom. Generous at work, will always give everyone opportunities, because he believes that only through work, an ideal is achieved. You will never be overwhelmed by discouragement and nothing will stop you from achieving your goals. He will be safe, skillful and unable to risk his name or reputation in suspicious attitudes, allowing everything to develop spontaneously. Know how to control your spending, It's safe and smart in your investments, never risking anything you don't have in your hands. You will always express your love in a constructive way. You will always need to defend your dreams, whether they are related to family, the neighborhood where you live or culture values.
“The legend soon seized upon this mighty and tender lord of the Walloon country to make him the archetype of the Crusader.” (1) After his death, he became a hero of gestural songs, as the famous Charlemagne had been before him. and Roland.
Son of Eustatius, Count of Boulogne, and Ida, daughter of Godofredo Barbudo, Duke of Lower Lorraine and Bouillon, Godofredo belonged to an old family who claimed to have Charlemagne among their ancestors.
Godfred the Crusader: Beginning of the Epic
To the death of Uncle Godfred III the Hunchback in 1076, from him he inherited Verdun County and the Anvers Mark. Later, in 1089, Emperor Henry IV gave him in vassalage the Duchy of Lower Lorraine.
Godfred followed the Emperor, made his overlord, in the Endowment War and his Italian expedition against Pope St. Gregory VII, entering Rome in 1084.
According to some, to atone for this sin, Godfred was one of the first to take up the cross at the appeal of Pope Urban II in 1096, along with his two brothers, Baldwin and Eustace.
To fund his campaign, he sold or pledged several of his states , gathering with his brothers 80,000 warriors. His army was composed mostly of Walloons and Flemings. As he currently spoke both languages, being born on the border of these two nations, he served as an arbiter between the nationalist quarrels of these peoples.
The various crusader princes followed, with their respective armies, different routes to the Holy Land, agreeing to meet at Constantinople.
Godofredo and the northern French followed their path with severe discipline through Germany, Hungary, and Bulgaria, reaching the gates of the capital of the Eastern Empire.
“God Wants You” - Godofredo's Victory
When Bohemond, Prince of Tarentus, invited Godofredo to join his armies to attack Byzantine Emperor Alexius, “Godofredo, who was too honorable, did not want to fight Christians, and feared to exhaust his army before facing the infidels. ”(6)
After many negotiations, Godofredo took an oath of allegiance, albeit with restrictions, and led others to do so. But some princes refused to take the oath, for the Franks despised the Greeks.
In 1097 the siege of Nicaea took place, some claiming that Godofredo had no special prominence, (7) and others that it was “only when the division led by Godofredo approached, with the clamor of thunder, 'God wills it! 'the fierce battle was decided for the Christians . ” (8)
The Crusaders later seized Edessa, forming a principality from which Baldwin, Godfred's brother, became lord, defeating the Turks from various fortresses.
Longinus Spear Encounter
During the siege of Antioch, with winter came the rains and diseases, striking men and animals. The crusader army was halved. Spring has brought an improvement.
Especially due to reinforcements coming by sea, the Crusaders finally conquered the city. For a short time, for three days later the Turks returned with more than 200,000 men and surrounded Antioch. Hunger and disease once again fell upon the besieged.
The city was fortified and well defended by over 40,000 men. On June 7, 1099 the Crusaders surrounded her. Again all the sufferings of a prolonged siege, such as thirst under a scorching summer sun, punished the knights of the Cross.
St. George's View and Jerusalem Outlet
The army, like a river flood, entered the city. "Blood flowed down the stairs and down to the horses' legs."
“It was a judgment of God,” says the chronicler William of Tyro, “that those who had profaned the Sanctuary of the Lord with superstitious rites, and had taken it from the faithful people, atoned for the crime with their own blood and extermination.” 11 )
The Chosen One to Reign in Jerusalem
“When it came to electing a king, he was sworn to the princes' servants who were best placed to do so about the lives of their masters. Those of some of them declared things that hurt them for fear of having to stay in Jerusalem and not return to their lands.
Some other princes declared that they did not wish to be elected to such a costly office.
So when Godofredo de Bouillon's turn came, his servants only had to say against him that he always stayed too long in the church.even after the Mass was over, and asked about each painting and its history; and in the meantime, at home, food was cooled, ”(13) which served to elect unanimously the electorate as the most worthy person for the office.
Not King, but Defender of the Holy Sepulcher
According to the chronicles of the time, Godfred refused to wear the crown “out of respect for Him who had been crowned with a Crown of Thorns in that place . ” (14)
“ He never used the title king (who appears only under his successor), and was content with that of Duke and Defender of the Holy Sepulcher. ”(15)
Shortly thereafter, Godofredo consolidated his victory at the battle of Ascalon, defeating with only 5,000 horsemen and 15,000 infants, the army of Al-Afdhal, the Egyptian Muslim Vizir, which had 200,000 Ethiopians, Bedouins and Arabs.
With great courage and prudent direction, at the first moment the Christians dispersed the Moors. With this brilliant victory, Godfred's fame spread throughout the East.
With the help of the Crusaders of Pisa, he rebuilt the city of Jaffa to become a port for the arrival of the Christian knights. He intended to harass Acre, but it was God's design that the one who had endured so many dangers in the fighting would simply die in a hospital bed.
Godfred was attacked by the plague in Caesarea. He returned to Jerusalem where, after naming Brother Baldwin as his successor, he died on July 18, 1100, at the age of 39, being buried in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
Email sent by Mrs. Daniela Alves, resident of the green house neighborhood In the city of São Paulo. - Jacinta, I would like you to publish something about the Baptism of Jesus Christ, I find it so exciting everything that refers to baptized.
"- I also find it quite moving, especially the Baptism of Jesus. (His Mysteries). Below are some accounts of these mysteries.
For Verrocchio's Renaissance painting, see The Baptism of Christ .
The baptism of Jesus marks the beginning of Jesus' public ministry . This event is narrated in the three Synoptic Gospels ( Matthew , Luke, and Mark , while in John 1: 29-33 , which is not a direct narrative, John the Baptist witnesses the episode. [1] [2] Baptism is one of five most important events of the gospel narrative about the life of Jesus, the others being transfiguration , crucifixion , resurrection, and ascension [3] [4] .
John the Baptist preached "water baptism," not for forgiveness or contrition, but for the remission of sins ( Luke 3: 3 ) and declared himself a forerunner of Him who would baptize "with the Holy Spirit and fire" ( Luke 3:16 ). In so doing, he was paving the way for the "Lord" [5] . Jesus came to the Jordan River , where he was baptized by John in a place that is traditionally known as Qasr al-Yahud ("Castle of the Jews") [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] . This event ends with the sky opening, divine voice announcing, "Thou art my beloved Son, I delight in thee." [10] . The voice combines key phrases from the Old Testament : "My Son" (the king of David's lineage adopted as Son of God in Psalm 2: 1 and Psalm 10: 1 , "beloved" (or "beloved" - as Isaac in Genesis 22:) and "I delight you" ( God's servant in Isaiah 42: 1 ) [5]
Most Christian denominations see the baptism of Jesus as an important event and the basis for the Christian rite of baptism ( see also Acts 19: 1-7). The controversy lies mainly in the relation of the act to the heresy of early Christianity known as adoptionism , which preached that Jesus only became the Son of God there .
In Eastern Christianity , Jesus' baptism is celebrated on January 6 , the feast of the Epiphany [11] . In the Catholic Church , the Anglican Communion and other western denominations, it is remembered one day the following week, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord . In Roman Catholicism, the baptism of Jesus is one of the Light Mysteries of the Holy Rosary .
Source; Know your angel; EDT New Cultural.
Source; Kabbalistic angels; EDT Company of Angels.
Source; Psalms and angels; EDT High mood.
Source; Wikipedia free encyclopedia;
Talk to me; jacintavs1@gmail.com
“I cannot be crowned with gold, where our Lord was crowned with thorns”: learn the story of this Crusader King
The great victor of the First Crusade, extraordinary warrior, conquered the Holy City from the hands of the infidels and established the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, of which he was the first Sovereign, becoming the Crusader par excellence.
Some great men leave behind a legend that surrounds them with a special light, archetyping their deeds and their glory. One of these was Godofredo de Bouillon , the conqueror and founder of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.“The legend soon seized upon this mighty and tender lord of the Walloon country to make him the archetype of the Crusader.” (1) After his death, he became a hero of gestural songs, as the famous Charlemagne had been before him. and Roland.
Son of Eustatius, Count of Boulogne, and Ida, daughter of Godofredo Barbudo, Duke of Lower Lorraine and Bouillon, Godofredo belonged to an old family who claimed to have Charlemagne among their ancestors.
He was “generally esteemed, straight, brave, meek, chaste, devout, human, handsome in appearance and tall, with red hair,” (2) and “portrayed as the perfect type of the Christian knight.
Tall in stature, handsome in manner, and in such a polite manner, 'he looked more like a monk than a warrior.' ”(3) He was“ regarded by every good warrior as a fervent Christian ”. (4) His strength was proverbial. Chronicles recount that with one stroke of sword he broke an Arab warrior from top to bottom in two equal parts. (5)Godfred the Crusader: Beginning of the Epic
To the death of Uncle Godfred III the Hunchback in 1076, from him he inherited Verdun County and the Anvers Mark. Later, in 1089, Emperor Henry IV gave him in vassalage the Duchy of Lower Lorraine.
Godfred followed the Emperor, made his overlord, in the Endowment War and his Italian expedition against Pope St. Gregory VII, entering Rome in 1084.
According to some, to atone for this sin, Godfred was one of the first to take up the cross at the appeal of Pope Urban II in 1096, along with his two brothers, Baldwin and Eustace.
To fund his campaign, he sold or pledged several of his states , gathering with his brothers 80,000 warriors. His army was composed mostly of Walloons and Flemings. As he currently spoke both languages, being born on the border of these two nations, he served as an arbiter between the nationalist quarrels of these peoples.
The various crusader princes followed, with their respective armies, different routes to the Holy Land, agreeing to meet at Constantinople.
Godofredo and the northern French followed their path with severe discipline through Germany, Hungary, and Bulgaria, reaching the gates of the capital of the Eastern Empire.
“God Wants You” - Godofredo's Victory
When Bohemond, Prince of Tarentus, invited Godofredo to join his armies to attack Byzantine Emperor Alexius, “Godofredo, who was too honorable, did not want to fight Christians, and feared to exhaust his army before facing the infidels. ”(6)
After many negotiations, Godofredo took an oath of allegiance, albeit with restrictions, and led others to do so. But some princes refused to take the oath, for the Franks despised the Greeks.
In 1097 the siege of Nicaea took place, some claiming that Godofredo had no special prominence, (7) and others that it was “only when the division led by Godofredo approached, with the clamor of thunder, 'God wills it! 'the fierce battle was decided for the Christians . ” (8)
The Crusaders later seized Edessa, forming a principality from which Baldwin, Godfred's brother, became lord, defeating the Turks from various fortresses.
Longinus Spear Encounter
During the siege of Antioch, with winter came the rains and diseases, striking men and animals. The crusader army was halved. Spring has brought an improvement.
Especially due to reinforcements coming by sea, the Crusaders finally conquered the city. For a short time, for three days later the Turks returned with more than 200,000 men and surrounded Antioch. Hunger and disease once again fell upon the besieged.
That was when a priest from Provence, Peter Bartholomew, announced that Our Lord had appeared to him in dreams and revealed where the spear that had pierced his lovely chest was buried.
Indeed, at the altar of St. Peter's church they found a spear . (9) This supernatural fact gave new life to Christians who, overwhelmed with enthusiasm, fell upon Muslims, despite the numerical disproportion.
Some claimed to have seen St. George leading the battle. With the victory, Bohemond established himself as lord of Antioch.
The same impulse could have immediately led to the conquest of the Holy City. But the tiredness, the lack of horses, and above all the strife among the Christian princes, and another devastating plague that claimed the lives of 50,000 soldiers , greatly reduced the number of crusaders heading for Jerusalem.The city was fortified and well defended by over 40,000 men. On June 7, 1099 the Crusaders surrounded her. Again all the sufferings of a prolonged siege, such as thirst under a scorching summer sun, punished the knights of the Cross.
St. George's View and Jerusalem Outlet
Finally, “Godfred saw on the Mount of Olives a man with a shining shield: 'St. George comes to our aid!'” He exclaimed.
Enthusiastic, the Christian warriors pushed the combat towers near the city walls. They extended bridges, and Godfred was one of the first to jump, running to open the doors.The army, like a river flood, entered the city. "Blood flowed down the stairs and down to the horses' legs."
“It was a judgment of God,” says the chronicler William of Tyro, “that those who had profaned the Sanctuary of the Lord with superstitious rites, and had taken it from the faithful people, atoned for the crime with their own blood and extermination.” 11 )
Then the crusaders washed away, and with pitying feelings they walked through the holy places, osculating them “with great devotion, humility, and a contrite heart, among sobs and tears.” (12)
After the first days of devotions and cleansing the city of corpses, they soon thought of securing victory by elevating Jerusalem to the Latin Kingdom.The Chosen One to Reign in Jerusalem
“When it came to electing a king, he was sworn to the princes' servants who were best placed to do so about the lives of their masters. Those of some of them declared things that hurt them for fear of having to stay in Jerusalem and not return to their lands.
Some other princes declared that they did not wish to be elected to such a costly office.
So when Godofredo de Bouillon's turn came, his servants only had to say against him that he always stayed too long in the church.even after the Mass was over, and asked about each painting and its history; and in the meantime, at home, food was cooled, ”(13) which served to elect unanimously the electorate as the most worthy person for the office.
Not King, but Defender of the Holy Sepulcher
According to the chronicles of the time, Godfred refused to wear the crown “out of respect for Him who had been crowned with a Crown of Thorns in that place . ” (14)
“ He never used the title king (who appears only under his successor), and was content with that of Duke and Defender of the Holy Sepulcher. ”(15)
Shortly thereafter, Godofredo consolidated his victory at the battle of Ascalon, defeating with only 5,000 horsemen and 15,000 infants, the army of Al-Afdhal, the Egyptian Muslim Vizir, which had 200,000 Ethiopians, Bedouins and Arabs.
With great courage and prudent direction, at the first moment the Christians dispersed the Moors. With this brilliant victory, Godfred's fame spread throughout the East.
“An emir asked Godfred with his sword to slash the neck of a large camel with a single blow, which the Duke did smiling.
Then, with a simple Saracen blade, he slaughtered the second camel just as easily , filling the Arabs with admiration, who found that the fame of their prodigious strength was true. ”(16)
When Godfred was questioned about the strength of his arms, he replied that it was because he had never used his limbs to commit any sin against holy purity.
Godfred was known to be so fair that even the Arab warlords submitted their disputes to him . He protected the borders, favored trade, and ruled with religious prudence and gravity.With the help of the Crusaders of Pisa, he rebuilt the city of Jaffa to become a port for the arrival of the Christian knights. He intended to harass Acre, but it was God's design that the one who had endured so many dangers in the fighting would simply die in a hospital bed.
Godfred was attacked by the plague in Caesarea. He returned to Jerusalem where, after naming Brother Baldwin as his successor, he died on July 18, 1100, at the age of 39, being buried in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
1. Hachette Multimedia / Hachette Free, online edition, Copyright © 2001 Yahoo! France
2. Juan Batista Weiss, Universal History, Typography La Educación, Barcelona, 1928, vol. V, p. 467.
3. Robert the Monk, Hist. Occid Crois., III, 731, apud Louis Bréhier, The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1906, vol. VI, online edition, Robert Appleton & Co., 1999.
4. The Great Encyclopedie, Paris, Societe Anonyme de the Great Encyclopedie, tome 18, p. 1145
5. Cf. Guibert de Nogent, Gesta, Vol. VII, 11, cited Louis Bréhier, The Catholic Encyclopedia, Online Edition.
6. Weiss, op.cit., P. 470.
7. Cf. The Catholic Encyclopedia, and Hachette Multimedia.
8. Weiss, op. cit., p. 474.
9. Cf. Weiss, op. cit., p. 477; La Grande Encyclopedie, volume XIII, entry “Croisade”, p. 441.
10. Weiss, op. cit., p. 479.
11. Guilelmus Tyrius, VIII, ch. 20, in Weiss, op. cit., p. 479.
12. Weiss, op. cit., p. 479.
13. Id., P. 480.
14. The Catholic Encyclopedia, online edition.
15. Id, ib.
Email sent by Mrs. Daniela Alves, resident of the green house neighborhood In the city of São Paulo. - Jacinta, I would like you to publish something about the Baptism of Jesus Christ, I find it so exciting everything that refers to baptized.
"- I also find it quite moving, especially the Baptism of Jesus. (His Mysteries). Below are some accounts of these mysteries.
For Verrocchio's Renaissance painting, see The Baptism of Christ .
John the Baptist preached "water baptism," not for forgiveness or contrition, but for the remission of sins ( Luke 3: 3 ) and declared himself a forerunner of Him who would baptize "with the Holy Spirit and fire" ( Luke 3:16 ). In so doing, he was paving the way for the "Lord" [5] . Jesus came to the Jordan River , where he was baptized by John in a place that is traditionally known as Qasr al-Yahud ("Castle of the Jews") [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] . This event ends with the sky opening, divine voice announcing, "Thou art my beloved Son, I delight in thee." [10] . The voice combines key phrases from the Old Testament : "My Son" (the king of David's lineage adopted as Son of God in Psalm 2: 1 and Psalm 10: 1 , "beloved" (or "beloved" - as Isaac in Genesis 22:) and "I delight you" ( God's servant in Isaiah 42: 1 ) [5]
Most Christian denominations see the baptism of Jesus as an important event and the basis for the Christian rite of baptism ( see also Acts 19: 1-7). The controversy lies mainly in the relation of the act to the heresy of early Christianity known as adoptionism , which preached that Jesus only became the Son of God there .
In Eastern Christianity , Jesus' baptism is celebrated on January 6 , the feast of the Epiphany [11] . In the Catholic Church , the Anglican Communion and other western denominations, it is remembered one day the following week, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord . In Roman Catholicism, the baptism of Jesus is one of the Light Mysteries of the Holy Rosary .
Source; Know your angel; EDT New Cultural.
Source; Kabbalistic angels; EDT Company of Angels.
Source; Psalms and angels; EDT High mood.
Source; Wikipedia free encyclopedia;
Talk to me; jacintavs1@gmail.com
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